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Isabella's pov.
Today things are happening that I never thought would happened, not even in my dreams.
One of those things is getting offer for working in Smith's corporation.

I still remember the day, their so called boss rejected me without even knowing anything about me, without even interviewing me. I still remember that day very clearly.

It's a great opportunity for me to work as a cyber security agent in their office but my self respect won't let me. I can't work for a man who can't respect people.

I declined the offer today morning even though Iam dying for it.
Iam not regretting though.

They rejected me when I needed that job, now Iam rejecting them because they need me. Tit-for-tat.

I work for a good company though. The boss is rude but respectful so it's a win win for me.

Josh's pov.
"Sir.... actually..-". I cut jack off after throwing the file at the table.

"Fucking speak up". I say trying to stay calm.

"Sir she refused to work with us". Zain-my secretary says.
Zain and jack has been with me since the day I became CEO.

"What?". I ask not believing what he just said.

"She refused go work with us". He repeats and that make my blood boil even more.

"Who the fuck she think she is? How the hell she can refuse to work in Smith's corporation? People are dying to get a job here". I say getting up from the chair.

"What now?". I ask them who were looking down.

"We don't kno-". Jack was saying but I cut him off. 

"Let's do one thing. Approach her as normal people not as employees of smith's corporation. Get our work done, and then we are done". I say.

"Okay sir ". Jack says.

"Get me coffee". I say.

"Sure sir". Zain says.

They both leave and I engross myself in work again.

"It's done". Zain says.

"Is it?". I ask making sure.

"Yes sir. Our problem is solved. She just did it in two hours that our team couldn't in two days". He says.

"How about we appoint her as a full time employee?". I ask looking at him.

"Sir but she refused to-". I cut him off.

"Come on zain. You know I never take no as an answer. If I say I want her as my employee then I want her as my employee, and there are no buts or ifs included". I say and he nods.

"Okay sir, we'll try to convince her". He says.

"Average salary for cyber security agent is 6000 dollars in USA, offer her 8000 dollars. I want her in my company anyhow". I say and he nods again.

"Okay sir". He says.

"You can leave". I say and he leaves after bowing to me.

Isabella's pov.
It's the second days since they've been trying to convince me to work for them.
I don't know what's gotten into them but they have even offered me 8000 dollars when average salary in USA is 6000.

Should I accept it?- I have had this thought hundreds time but my brain answers no everytime.

I know Iam being stupid by declining such a good offer but Iam actually really prideful. My self respect matters more than anything to me.

My parents would kill me if they got to know that Iam refusing this offer. Not just saying but they would actually kill me.
But that's the last thing on my mind.

Josh's pov.
I can't understand this girl. What is actually wrong with her? Why is she declining a good offer. Is she some rich spoilt brat?

"Jack come to my cabin". I say on the call.

"Coming sir". He says and I cut the call.

He comes after a minute and I say.

"Do a background check on her and bring me all information about her in two hours, I'll deal with her myself now". I say and he nods.

Name- Isabella Williams.
Age- 26.
Major-Cyber and network security.
Siblings- one younger brother. (Autistic)
Friends-one. Evelyn.
Currently working at Boswell corporation.

I was reading the file that jack just sent me two minutes back.

Okay so she is working at Boswell corporation. Let's go to Boswell corporation tomorrow. Let's see her.

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