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Josh's pov.
I was driving to our house, more like Dad's house because he is the only one who lives there.

I reach there after a while and park my car and made my way inside.

"Hello sir". Servants say as they see me.
I just nod at them and walk to te living room and saw Asher siting there with Amelia.

"Am I late?". I ask making my way towards them.

"Not really, we are just early". Amelia says.

"Where is Dad?". I ask sitting on the sofa.

"He is in his roo-". Dad cuts Asher off.

"Iam here". Dad says standing a little away from the sofas.
Mark Smith- known as the most ruthless and cruel businessman. He could do anything to get what he wants, even if it costs someone's life.

Mom and Dad were opposite to each other,
Mom was the sweetest unlike him who was emotionally unavailable for his kids all his life.
Mom and Dad used to fight alot after Amelia's birth, I still don't know the reason.

"How are you all doing?". He asks in his famous deep voice.

"We are doing okay Dad. What about you? How have you been?". Amelia asks him.

"I'm good". Dad says and sits on the sofa.

"How's your bussines going?". Dad asks Asher as soon as he sits on the sofa.

"It's good". Asher says.

"What about you josh? I heard someone broke in our system". He says and my breathe hitches.
How did he know?

"Dad....I...I took care of it". I say in a low voice.

"That's doesn't change the fact that your company's system was so weak that someone broke into it". He says and I just look down.

"Is that how you are gonna take care of my bussines?". He asks and I just stay silent.

"I need words Josh Smith". He says and I slowly look at him.

"Iam sorry, I'll be mo-more careful from now on". Why the hell did I stammer?

"And I heard that you have employed a girl without any interview". He says and I shut my eyes due to frustration.
I hate how he mocks me everytime. I should have started my own business rather than taking over his.

"She was the one who solved the problem, She is beneficial for the company's security". I say looking straight at him.

"Fire her". He says and I squirm in my place.

"But Dad why?". I ask trying to breathe.

"Because I don't want to be unfair to other employees. They have worked hard for the interview, we can't just give that place to anyone". He says and my fist clenches.

"I can't fire her". I say trying to stay calm.

"And may I ask the reason?". He says.

"I-I signed a contract so I can't Fire her for three years". I lied. I don't why but I lied.

"Terminate the contract then". He says.

"I can't. If I were the one to terminate the contract, I would have to pay her 10 million dollars, I can't do that". I explain.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? HOW COULD YOU SIGN A CONTRACT LIKE THIS?". He shouts standing up but I just remain in my place.

"We can communicate in calm voice. Shouting won't solve anything". I say slightly glaring at him.

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