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Aranya stares out the window, watching as the rain pounded on the ground harshly. Her eyes go to the sky, which was darkening from a light blue hue to a darker hue. Dark rain clouds were filling up, with the occasional bolt of thunder and lightning. She hums, staring at the droplets gathering on the glass of her bedroom window.


Aranya turns around to look at her cousin, he was sat on her bed with a potions book open.

"Oh," James deflates. "He's still with them."

Sirius stays silent, but watches on with a judgmental frown.

Lily watches silently.

Beatrice perks up.

"Yay," Barty snorts, rolling his eyes at Potter and his dramatics.

It was merely 6, so it had been a few hours since her parents had left them with Lexi. Currently, she was in the kitchen making them some snacks with Chastity's help. They would spend the night together in her bedroom, they usually did but this time with Harry.

"Need some help with that?"

Harry rolls his eyes at his cousin. "No."

Aranya cocks an eyebrow, crossing her arms. She was dressed in her pajamas, which was a black color with a cupcake print on them.

He sighs. "Yes." He looks at his essay.

Aranya shakes her head. "It's nearing the end of summer, and you still haven't finished you're essay. Honestly Harry, no wonder Hermione hounds you and Ron."

"It's hard!" He snaps, shaking his head. He stares at his book before looking at his essay. "I don't even know why Dumbledore keeps Snape as a bloody professor."

"Yeah," James scoffs.

"Bloody loser." Sirius scoffs.

Peter makes a face.

Severus glares at them with hatred in his eyes.

Barty also glares at them.

Regulus rubs his forehead.

Aranya pursues her lips. "I mean, he's good at potions..."

Severus stares at the screen.

Lily nods slowly. He was good at potions. They both were, they used to be best friends.

"Yeah, well he's also a git."

"Right you are, son!" James pumped his fist.

Sirius and Peter nod.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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