chapter five

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"How about this?" I held the sparkly dress up so my little brother could he see. I could see he was uncomfortable with it, but he still gave me a uneven smile.

"That's really girly," he shook his head in disapproval.

"Well, I am a girl. But how about you wear it?" I say and launch myself towards him with the dress in hand. He immediately jumped off the bed and ran toward the open door. I was in full pursuit when I grabbed him and pulled him into my chest. His little arms and legs started to fling everywhere, as he squirmed in my arms.

"Nooo," he laughs as I began to tickle his stomach. He escaped out of my grip, but didn't manage to run far before I leaped onto him. I picked the boy up and placed him on my bed once more. "Fine. I won't make you wear it," I turn around and point at him.

He squinted his eyes as he giggled and placed his arms around his waist. I then continue to rummage through my closet. I pushed all of my useless clothes out of my way so I could find something in the back of my closet, where I usually keep my dresses. I raise a sundress, and examine it. The red dress seemed tattered and ripped along the neck line and sleeves. It was quite cute, for a small party or get-together. I look at Chase, who sat silent. I commented,"This?"

"Nope," his eyes widen as an idea just hatched in his brain. "Are you going on a date?"

"Uh-" I bit my lip, "yeah kinda."

"With who?"

"A boy," I felt the warmth of my cheeks as them redness.

"Chad?" He sounded a bit excited, "Is he coming here?" His eyes widened and a smile formed on his mouth. Chase always gets excited when Chad comes over. He absolutely loves Chad... maybe it's because he is like a brother, or maybe it's because they are 'battle buddies', as they like to call each other. A lot of the time the reason Chad comes over it's because Chase wanted him over for some idiotic reason, like to play xbox or annoy me.

I walk towards him and lean forward, "you can keep a secret right?"

He quickly nods his head and eagerly waits.

"I'm going on a date with a new boy, you haven't met him yet."

"Is he nice?"

"Yeah.. He is very nice." I straighten myself back up and resume finding an outfit. "You can't tell mom, remember."

"I won't, I promise."

"Pinky?" I flip around and extend my arm, extending my little finger towards him.

"I pinky promise," his pinky then latches onto mine.

"Okay, know I need an outfit for tonight."

He hops off the bed and walks toward the closet. "This one is pretty," he softly says as he reaches the outfit.

"Huh." I sigh and sit down on my bed, "how are you better at picking out outfits than me?"

He shrugs and places the attire beside me. His attention then flipped toward the closet once again, "with this." He grabs an old jean jacket from the back if my closet.

"Oh my god," I pause as I place a hand over my mouth. "I forgot I had that."


"It was Dad's," I sliently say as I lightly touch the fabric.

"Oh." He pauses and glances at the jacket, "you don't have to wear it."

"No, no. I will."


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