chapter seven

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"Oh, shit. I have to lock the door," I place my heels into Luke's arms before galloping back to the entrance of the restaurant. I rustle through my purse, trying to find the keys. As I tried to make this as fast as possible, I spend some time find out which key went into the lock. I successfully managed to lock the door and a couple failed attempts.

Turning towards Luke again, I noticed he had made his way to the car already. He was leaning against the car with one of his elbow, while the other arm held the heels. As I finished the last step towards him, he set the heels on the concrete. His free hand was now able to grab his phone from him back pocket.

I leaned myself against the car as he did. After moments of silence, I spoke, "how are you getting home?"

"I haven't really thought of that, yet," he lifted his eyes off the small screen and met my gaze.

"I can drive you, where's your house?"

His head shot up and his eyes widen. He uttered some words as he tried to figure out the correct statement to say, but he managed to say a quick, nervous 'no' before grabbing his phone and texting someone. His weird attitude made me confused, but I didn't ask any fairer questions.

"I'll just get an uber," he said as his eyes where still on his phone.

"An uber? Aren't those for famous people," I chuckled.

His arm came up and scratched the back of his neck nervously. He let out a small, but fake, laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I was only joking. I'll call a taxi in a minute," he bit his lip and placed his phone on top of my car.

"You sure, I can't just give you a ride?" I nicely said, as I was some-what prolonging to time we had together before I had to get inside my car. With a small smile, he nodded, signaling he was fine and didn't need a ride.

His phone began to buzzed exceedingly loud, on top of the car. A quick arm flashed to the hood of my car and grabbed the phone, then canceled the call. "I'm so sorry, my idiot friends keep calling me," he laughed and he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Luke had mentioned his friends more than one, perhaps in every conversation. However, this never bothered me, because from what I've heard they seem like remarkable 'mates'. Although, they have been completely annoying since they have been trying to contact Luke every 30 minutes, with a consent text or call throughout the night. Apart from that, Luke and them seem quite connected in a brotherly kind of way.

"You know, I would really like to meet them soon."

Luke bent his head toward me, showing the giant smile he now had on his face, "really? I know they seem annoying, but they are great people. Trust me, they can be intimidating."

"If they are anything like you, I'll love them," I gave him a smile before unlocking my car and throwing my purse into the passenger seat. I glanced back at Luke and added one more time, "it's your last chance, do you want a ride? I mean you wouldn't have to pay for me. I don't want you to pay for a taxi. It would be easier, you know-"

I was interrupted by Luke, who walked up to me slowly as if trying to decide on something. I watched him as he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. It was a lot more awkward than I could have ever imagined it, but I liked it. I placed my arms around him nervously, but knew that if I didn't he might have stopped hugging me. However, something inside wanted more. I wanted more than a hug, but my wants were not considered when we eventually pulled from the hug and departed our separate ways. "Bye," he called out.

"Goodbye," I uttered, almost in a whisper. I wanted him to come back, but he soon got on his phone and walked toward the curb, to take a set.


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