chapter eight

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"You have to come over!" I noticed I was a little bit too loud so I lowered my voice in almost a whisper, "you just haaaave to, Chad."

The rest of the house hold was fast asleep, when I crept through the front door. Only a single lamp in the living room guided my through the kitchen as I made my way to the fridge. Swinging the door open, the bulb blinded me. I let out a small whine before moving aside a milk gug and ketchup bottle and grabbing a small bucket of raw cookie dough. I struggled to balance the bucket in my arms and my phone, which rested my head on my phone in between my shoulder, keeping it in place. I straddled my purse and heels in one arm and the cookie dough in the other. Hitting the bottom of the fridge door with my foot, I closed the fridge and hobble my way to the other side of the kitchen. I knelt down slight and reached my hand out to one of the drawer, which contained the utensils. The struggle of picking up two spoones, while simultaneously hold cookie dough, shoes, and a purse, became too hard. I placed the blucket on the counter, so I was as the reach for the spoons and place the in my other hand. I slun around, grabbing my cookie dough and exiting the kitchen.

"I mean you can sleep over," I tried to persuade him. "I'll- I'll just tell my mom we came home and started a movie over here. Then we both agreed it was too late for you to go home. Boom- there we go, perfect plan. Now get your boooooty over here, uh- I got cookie dough."


I quickly interrupted him, "you have to comee, Chaad."

"Skylar," he said firmly. "Are you drunk?"

I let out a giggle, but regained my serious. I stood tall and raised my head, even though no one was in sight. I cleared my throat and tried to speak as sober as possible, "no, I am not. I'm just a little tipsy, I had some wine but I will be fine in 30 minutes."

"Okay fine, I'm on my way," he huffed over the phone line. "I'm only going for the food, though."

I let out a squill, before hanging up the phone and hopping myself up the stairs to my room.

Swinging my door open, I throw my purse and heels onto the bed, but neatly place the "bucket of goodness" into my mini fridge. I walk up to my body mirror, which was hung by my closet, and spin around. I throw my jean jacket into the dirty clothes basket, and begin striping myself of my clothes. My skirt and belt fell onto the carpet and I flung it into the basket with one of my feet. After a 2 or 3 minute struggle with my zipper, I managed to hop around and pull off my shirt. I rumage through my closet and found a shirt, that seemed more like a gown than an actual shirt, and some comfortable shorts. I throw them on and jumped on to my bed.

I sat criss-cross in my bed as I patiently waited for the arrival of my best friend. I took a couple slight glances toward my refrigerator.

I took out my phone, hoping that my twitter would somehow destract me from the cookie dough, which was screaming my name.

My temptations became too strong, until I hopped myself out of my bed and to my mini fridge. Whipping the door open I throw my hands over the bucket and grabbed the cookie dough with the spoons. I slammed the door shut with my foot and sat onto my bed once more.

I throw the lid off and started to shove cookie dough out of the 26oz bucket. Right as I was about to take a full bite of food, my phone rang. My obnoxious ringtone started and soon 'Barbie Girl' filled my whole room.

"I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic!" I whispered as I tried to find my phone from my covers.

I've always hated this song, even though Chad loves it. He changed my ringtone to 'Barbie Girl' about a month ago when I ignored his calls. I was going to change it back, however it got terribly catchy.

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