Chapter 4: New Beginnings

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I am physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to enter a new phase in my life. I'm ready to grow and get better."



Three days passed after the Aizawa incident. Ever since that lunch break, Aizawa never came to meet me, and the comfortable albeit lonely days I previously had restarted to turn into the norm again. It was honestly refreshing not having her around me all the time.

Oddly enough, I don't know why, ever since those days when I'd walk past Aizawa I could see her looking at me like if she were a lost puppy from the corner of my eyes. It's as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"That's odd."

I'd also began to get some looks from the second year senpais. It was clear that what I did didn't go as unnoticed as I thought. As for myself, Sajou Wataru, I'm just living life to the fullest now feeling relieved. I'm beginning to take my studies seriously and working out 6 days a week. I've also began to practice playing basketball again and I'm still pretty good. Yet my mom and sister continue to pester me every chance they get.

With me practically seeing red...from the blood rushing to my eyes because of my body adjusting to my new routine, I grabbed some fruit snacks and water. This school store really isn't fit for the culture and literature-type of man like myself. I often wonder why there isn't more variety of certain snacks but I'm not annoyed enough to ask... No worries, Mom, I got a fairly good catch today.

When I returned to the classroom, I heard loud voices coming from the inside. Not to mention that one of them sounded oddly familiar despite not belonging to this class. I kinda don't want to go back right now, actually.

"—No no no, please accept this! This is my apology for causing such a mess before!"

"I keep telling you that you don't need to worry about it! I didn't even do anything!"

"Just give up and accept it, Aichi!"

"Why are you on her side anyway, Kei!?"

Taking a peek inside, I could see a female student with familiar fluffy and cozy brown hair talking to Aika and Ashida. From the sounds of it, they aren't fighting at least. Regardless I didn't want to join in.

"I'll just leave it here for you, Aika-sama!"

"Ah, w-wait a second!"

"Bye-bye, Renachi~"

As I was hiding next to the door to the classroom, the girl, Aizawa, I had been flirting around with as of late, came running out of it. Getting a glance at her face, she seemed pretty happy. She looked at me and seemed almost surprised to see me. I don't get it? You're in my class not the other way around!

We both nodded at each other without saying a word and she ran back to what I assume was her class.

I acted like I hadn't seen any of what was going on with those three, and walked inside the classroom. As I headed to my seat, my seat neighbour to the left, Aika caught on to my presence. Normally, she'd give me a sharp scowl, but rarely enough, she seemed pretty calm today.

"...Aizawa-san was here a second ago."

"She was brimming with energy, acting all respectful...did you do something, Sajocchi?"

"Nope, nothing at all."

"Well she came with a peace offering of sorts so that's good right?!" Ashida said

"I guess so.. I'm just glad it's all over now."

Regardless of status or whatever Aizawa's presence in my life was always a limited thing. I doubt I'd talk to her again while I'm here at school. Regardless it seems like Aizawa had brought some cream puffs over to as a peace offering which was nice I guess. I doubt she told them the full story of what she was really after though so they'll continue to think that she was just trying to make her boyfriend jealous.

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