Chapter 20: Revelation

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"In your arms is where I belong, reuniting is where I find solace."



I wonder what reaction I should show when the person I was all obsessed with runs at me like that and gives me a bear hug. All I could say was her name..

"W-Wataru.. hey.."

Aren't you a cute one. No, wait a second. Aika showed me a smile that she's never shown me before..

Is the world going to end tomorrow? Why's she looking at me like I'm about to die?

"Hi Aika.. well if you're wondering why I look dead right now is because I did a lot today.."

I wanted to get that out of the way to let her know that this isn't the usual me.

Wait why am I acting like she's never seen me before?

"Yeah...I was watching, so I know."

"Ah, I see... wait what?"

She was watching me? When? I noticed her watching me a bit in the committee room but when I was moving things I didn't see her.

What the hell is going on?

While the distance between us wasn't very big Aika still took a step closer to me and sniffed my neck.

Dude is she aware of what she's doing?

"You were working so hard...You reek of sweat."


My nostrils were tickled by a sweet fragrance. My head was filled with a pink essence. I desperately tried to keep my eyes looking straight despite them wandering all over the place, and somehow managed to keep up my reason. Aika who still was very close to me continued to look into my eyes, and it must have been subconscious, but she gently pressed her hands against my chest, tapping it up and down, only to move away a small bit and show a gentle smile.

Well, even if she does take a small step back, we're still at pretty much zero distance..


"Hm? What?"

Eh? Why does she respond so calmly? Where did her thorns towards me run off to? What happened in half of this summer break? Aika stood in front of me, only gently tilting her head, showing no signs of getting angry

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Eh? Why does she respond so calmly? Where did her thorns towards me run off to? What happened in half of this summer break? Aika stood in front of me, only gently tilting her head, showing no signs of getting angry...Not to mention that her hair was a bit ruffled up, traces of sweat on her skin...Her beautiful hair almost looked like it was sparkling in the sunlight.

Her breathing was a bit out of control. Because I haven't seen Aika in a while, everything about her was too stimulating. Or wait, is it really because I haven't seen her in a while? Did something like this happen before?

I can't let this go on. The soccer ball would be very disappointed. While I'm enjoying this to much of Aika is not good for my heart.

It never has been.

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