Chapter 10: Unlikely Proposal

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"It's hard to sleep when your heart is at war with your mind."



School completely closed down, and for whatever reason that I cannot hope to comprehend, I found myself at a family restaurant with Aika and Ashida. Since time had progressed quite a bit, I sent my Mom a message, saying that I didn't need any dinner. To my shock, I got back a message along the lines of 'Don't get captured by the police', basically saying that I'm good to do whatever I want as long as the authorities aren't involved..

I began to think of things but couldn't come up with anything.

We arrived at a table, and finished ordering food. Right as we received water for the three of us, Ashida broke the ice. Because she hurried to put on her normal uniform, I could see wrinkles all over. Even Ashida seemed a bit annoyed, let alone Aika.. I don't get it. They're the ones that brought me here?!

"For starters, sorry that we listened in on the conversation between you and your older sister. We were searching for you, and saw you head up to the rooftop, so..."

"It's cool. I was just a bit surprised but whatever."


I do faintly remember saying some embarrassing stuff, but that's related to only me and my older sister, so there's no real reason to dwell on that here. I tried to hide my shame and maintain my composure, when Ashida approached my face with hers, whispering something to me.

"So, about Aichi today...Wasn't it a bit too crazy?"

"I mean yeah.. she almost had me in a full Nelson I didn't even know she had strength like that."

It was honestly surprising. Ashida laughed at my remark.

As for the Aika, she had her arms crossed, her face averted in a clearly spoiled mood. She's even pouting, what is going on? She's so cute honestly.

"Aren't you a luxurious guy, Sajocchi. Being accompanied by two girls, heee?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Now that she told me directly, only then did I realize what kind of situation this was. I'm eating dinner with two classmates of mine. What is going on? I don't even know why I was pulled here in the first place. Aika was still looking outside the window. Ashida saw that, grew annoyed, and tapped Aika on the lap.

"Aichi! I'll be the one to say it then!"

"...G-Go ahead?"

"I really want you to be the one to say it! But at this rate, you won't ever be able to, so I'll just do the deed for you!"


Why're they both on edge? Is this some kind of fight? It's rare for Ashida and Aika to be so against each other. From my point of view, it almost looks like they're trying to steal me from the other...

I'm sure I could make time for both of them.


Excuse me, dear employee? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not the one causing trouble, am I? Is she laughing?

Thinking about it, I've seen this kind of bothered expression from Aika many times. Rather than angry, it's more like she's fed up with me...I guess that makes sense. After everything I did to her. But, Aika today was different. Never before was she this straightforward towards me with her anger. It's like she wants me to make her less angry?

"Well, you're right. It felt like something was off. Even this noon, what was that about?" I asked


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