Chapter 14: In Sickness & in Health

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"Friendship improve happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief."

-Marcus Tullius Cicero


"I definitely won't lose...!"


Thus came a sudden declaration of war. Inside the classroom, Iihoshi-san pointed at me, with a vexed expression on her face. Where did that come from? Did I sexually harass her without realizing?

Wait she wouldn't have said anything about losing if I did that I'd probably be talking to the principal right about now.

"Lose in what.?" I asked

"You know what! I just wasn't going all out is all.. Next time will be different.."

I still didn't know what she was talking about but I decided to play along.

"Um...? So, the fault is with you, Iihoshi-san?"

"Nope, it's all yours, Sajou-kun."

"That literally doesn't make any sense.."

This is what I mean. At least tell me why you're angry.

"Hmm, what happened?"

"What are you doing..."

"What did you do now?"

"Sajou, you moron~"

As if they heard me thinking that, the other peeps from the class approached us. Also, why is me messing up the premise? 70% were just annoyed at me, whereas 30% were actually interested. This ain't some circus, okay. The class rep and I were just in a heated—

"Y-You're not fair, Sajou-kun! Screaming your love in the middle of the classroom...!"

"I literally wasn't doing any of that."

What's wrong with class rep today? She's prioritizing her feelings rather than rationality...Where did the girl go that I saw like an adult...As I was in the center of attention—or rather, in the corner of the classroom at my own seat, Shirai-san and the other classmates arrived as well...No but seriously, why are you all coming over here!?

"What are you...Ahh, are you talking about yesterday?"

"Yesterday? What happened, Maichi?"

Standing behind Shirai, Saitou-san showed a wry smile, seemingly the one person who understood best what exactly was going on. Seeing her talk in such a girly fashion despite knowing she's part of the tea ceremony club is greeting quite the great gap, not gonna lie. But, enough about that. Great follow-up there, Ashida. Hit some great spikes today...of course, not on me. On the enemy's court.

"She was pushed down by Airi-chan after all."

"More detail, please."


"Sajocchi, Yamazaki, sit."

I'm not a dog, okay. I just reflexively spoke up when the calm and proper Saitou-san said the words 'pushed down'.


The way you glare at me like that almost reminds me of Big Sis, you know!? You have the eyes of Big Sis who would see me on the sofa, just saying 'Move' while shoving me off!

"For crying out loud...Yesterday when everyone came over to play, Airi just jumped at Iihoshi-san."

"Oh my, how could that have happened?"

"Who knows...But, she definitely mentioned your name after that..."

"She told me 'Weaker than Sajo~'..."

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