Chapter 12: Meeting the Phantom Sister

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"Having a place to go is a home. Having someone to love is a family. Having both is a blessing."

-Donna Hedges


"Wait, what?"

"L-Like I said...! If you're okay with it, then...!"

Um... Aika? Are you saying that today is the day...? What a sudden development..

I might just be overthinking like usual.. I completely ignored the possibility of her bringing me along just like that. Though, I didn't think it'd happen today.

"Oh yeah I'm down but um, didn't you have to prepare some things?"

"T-That's...I had to mentally prepare myself."

"Ohhh so that's what you meant.."

"Y-Yeah.. if you're okay with it-"

"I am. Lead the way Aika."


So I'm going to visit Aika's place right now. I wish I would've got a heads up. Maybe then I would've been able to bring some gifts or something no? For Airi-chan of course.

The way home felt awfully nostalgic. Until a while ago, things had been like this, and yet this kind of emotion filled me. How many times did I walk this way home next to Aika? Well, I guess I was just chasing after her.

Still though it had been awhile. I got this warm feeling remembering those days which made me feel a bit guilty.

Aika hated them after all..

Anyway, the only difference is that Aika wasn't speeding ahead of me, but rather walked next to me. It makes me feel like we've come full circle.

"Hey, Aika."


"I'm oddly starting to feel nervous. Is that normal?"

"W-Why are you nervous!"

"I honestly don't know myself.."


"Sorry for being weird."

"N-No it's okay. Don't be nervous.."

I really was being honest. I don't know why I felt like this. It's like I feel a pit in my chest but I'm excited at the same time.

I know for a fact I'm not as obsessed as I was with Aika before.

So what exactly are these weird feelings?

"I'm serious Wataru, don't be so nervous..."

"Yeah you're right. I'm good now."

"I-I see..."

That's right, think about it. This isn't some erotic development. Aika is just going to introduce me to her little sister. That's all there is to it. We're only going home together in order to achieve this. This situation is completely normal.

But, what am I supposed to talk about here? There's lots of things I want to ask. Am I even allowed to know where you live? Are you sure about letting me inside? But, that would get us back to 'Why was I not allowed before?', so that's not an option. I'm sure that Aika is still not over that, so I need to bring up something else.

"...What kind of person is your little sister? I only saw a picture of her."

"She's the cutest and sweetest person I know.. anyone would love her!"

Aika always got super excited when talking about her sister.

"Ah.. yeah that makes sense. I wish I could say the same about my sister but she can be a real demon sometimes."

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