Chapter 8: Jealousy

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"The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves."

-William Penn


Our uniforms finally switched to our summer versions, and I finally felt like I wasn't going to sweat out of my boxers. I didn't have to chase after Aika again, now that the sun had risen like this, it was quite hot. Then again, getting up early is not exactly in my best interest either. I really don't need any summer after all. I've always been more of a winter guy.


Arriving at a later time period, students were filling the area near the school gate. But, because of the heat sizzling down onto them, they looked more like zombies than anything. I probably look the same.

"Ohhh that shit feels great.."

Entering the school next to the shoe lockers, I was hit with a comfortable breeze. What is this refreshing feeling? I subconsciously took a deep breath like that. The zombies around me had turned into humans again as well. There was even a couple that was making out on a locker across from mine. Do they have no shame? We're in school you degenerates!

By the time I made it to the classroom, I already forgot about the whole summer thing. Instead, the air around me felt comfortable, and I don't think I ever had such a pleasant Monday for quite some time. This might be the first time I got to spend a summer day this relaxing at school.

All the sweat that had built up on my body on the way to school was gone, like a squirrel that woke up after its hibernation. Thank goodness. I felt a bit subconscious when someone would touch me and I felt sweaty.

Shortly after making it inside, the chime rang, informing us that morning homeroom was about to begin. Did I make it that close...?

"Ah! Morning, Sajocchi!"

"Morning Ashida."

"What a dull response.."

When Ashida approached me, I was showered with admiration. She wore the girls' summer uniform. The thick fabric and variation of colors had been replaced by white equipment just as the boys were wearing.. Man Ashida looked amazing.. those legs had me feeling pretty submissive..

"Ashida you look pretty nice in your summer uniform."

She paused for a bit.

"Well right back at you Sajocchi.. I can tell you're starting to fill out quite well! Your muscles are showing haha!"

She began to touch all over my arms when she said this. Ashida you should know that doing this might make me want to take you home and do unspeakable things to you..

"Did you also notice Aichi? She looks pretty good huh? Huh? Why don't you go compliment her?"

Indeed she did. Aika looked amazing in her summer uniform. Sadly I couldn't see much of it because there were so many people around her but from what I could see wow.. I still had to make up an excuse to not go over there.

"I would feel bad for separating Aika from the other ladies she's talking to."

"Mind explaining how I'm different from the other girls?"

"Well your legs are.."

I stopped myself before I said anything crazy. My intrusive thoughts almost won.

"My legs are what?!"

It's definitely not like I'm scared of Aika giving me a gaze like 'Don't get any closer to me or you'll get hurt', or anything like that. I just don't feel the rush I did before to always go compliment her.

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