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This is how you operate, a master of disguise,
You give them what they want, wearing many lies.
But you won't let them near, no, you keep your distance clear,
Love, it's overrated, the pain you can't adhere.

You refuse to be approached, won't let your feelings show,
Afraid of getting close, of feeling love's cruel blow.
You've been hurt before, your heart left torn in two,
You won't let anyone break through, you know it's true.

There are countless ways to break, to be emotionally torn,
So you build your defenses, a shield that's always worn.
You keep them at arm's length, push them all away,
You're a venomous poison, that's what you convey.

You refuse to be approached, won't let your feelings show,
Afraid of getting close, of feeling love's cruel blow.
You've been hurt before, your heart left torn in two,
You won't let anyone break through, you know it's true.

It's a vicious cycle, a never-ending game,
You want to be loved, yet you're quick to place the blame.
You long for connection, yet you build up walls so high,
Afraid to let them in, afraid to even try.

You're a paradox, a hypocrite, it's clear to see,
Seeking love and pushing it away, contradictory.
Look in the mirror, face the truth, my friend,
There's something deep inside you need to comprehend.

You refuse to be approached, won't let your feelings show,
Afraid of getting close, of feeling love's cruel blow.
You've been hurt before, your heart left torn in two,
You won't let anyone break through, you know it's true.

It's time to break the cycle, let your true self shine,
Don't let past pain dictate, this love can be divine.
Embrace the chance to heal, to let your heart be free,
You're not a poison, you're capable of love, you'll see.

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