The ugly truths we hide

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Disillusioned before my prime,
I spit upon love's facade sublime.
What they call love, just a charade,
A twisted dance of predator and prey.

Cynical armor, heart devoid,
Escape the grasp of love's cruel void.
From the mockery of universal lure,
Eros wields a scythe, love obscure.

Love, the drug we use to numb,
Post-coital blues, our minds succumb.
It reshapes the ugly truths we hide,
A masquerade where demons abide.

I reject the script they've laid,
Hedonism's call, my serenade.
No need for euphoria's deceit,
First kiss, first call, oh how bittersweet.

Childhood tales, shared laughs in vain,
Vacations past, friendships wane.
Authors' words, life's bitter strain,
Nightly outings, joy feigned.

Love, the drug we use to numb,
Post-coital blues, our minds succumb.
It reshapes the ugly truths we hide,
A masquerade where demons abide.

Endless nights, the passion fades,
Words unsaid, love's charade.
Strained embraces, hollow gaze,
A love once bright, now in decay.

Love, the drug we use to numb,
Post-coital blues, our minds succumb.
It reshapes the ugly truths we hide,
A masquerade where demons abide.

So I'll dance alone in the dark,
Rejecting love's deceitful spark.
For in its arms, there's only pain,
An endless cycle, love in vain.

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