Social anxiety

11 2 0

In the silence of my room, I lay,
Afraid to face another day,
Each sound, each step, a heavy weight,
Tied to my fears, sealed by fate.

Whispers linger, shadows grow,
Every heartbeat, a silent echo,
Bound by the chains of my own mind,
Lost in the crowd, but still confined.

Social shadows, they pull me in,
Lost in the noise, can't find my skin,
Behind closed curtains, I'll quietly sway,
Lost in the quiet, afraid to betray.

Messages flicker, on the screen,
A distant world, where I've never been,
Voices fade into a distant hum,
Invisible walls, where I succumb.

Words like echoes, haunting me,
Every glance, a silent plea,
Caught in the cycle, of my own unrest,
Invisible bonds, a silent test.

Social whispers, they bind me tight,
Lost in the flicker, of fading light,
Behind closed doors, I'll quietly pray,
Lost in the shadows, longing to stray.

Empty faces, they pass me by,
Each interaction, another sigh,
Caught in a dance, of my own design,
Trapped in the silence, of my own mind.

Social whispers, they call my name,
Lost in the echo, of hidden shame,
Shutting out the world, I'll softly decay,
Lost in the silence, drifting away.

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