Hear me roar.

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I rise from the ashes, I'm a phoenix in the sky,
No longer bound by chains, watch me spread my wings and fly.
I'm not just a pretty face, I'm a force to be reckoned with,
Breaking down barriers, smashing every single myth.

I'm not here to please, not here to apologize,
I'll speak my truth, won't be silenced by your lies.
I'll wear my crown with pride, won't dim my light,
I'm a queen in my own right, ready to ignite.

I'm a warrior, hear me roar,
I'll take on the world, I'll even the score.
I won't back down, won't play small,
I'm standing tall, gonna break down every wall.

I'm rewriting the story, flipping the script,
No longer just a sidekick, I'm the hero of my trip.
I'll pave my own path, make my own rules,
Won't let society dictate, I refuse to play the fool.

I'll embrace my flaws, wear them like a crown,
I'll dance in the fire, won't let myself drown.
I'll own my body, won't let it be objectified,
I'm taking back my power, won't be denied.

I'm a warrior, hear me roar,
I'll take on the world, I'll even the score.
I won't back down, won't play small,
I'm standing tall, gonna break down every wall.

I'm a warrior, hear me roar,
I'll take on the world, I'll even the score.
I won't back down, won't play small,
I'm standing tall, gonna break down every wall.

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