Let's take our time

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In the gentle breeze, we find our way,
Underneath the stars, where dreams sway.
Hand in hand, we walk this path,
In every moment, we find our laugh.

Let's take our time, in this sweet embrace,
Cherishing every moment, every trace.
In the whispers of love, let's find our rhyme,
Together forever, till the end of time.

In the melody of the night, we dance,
Lost in each other's eternal romance.
With every heartbeat, our love ignites,
In the symphony of our endless nights.

Let's take our time, in this sweet embrace,
Cherishing every moment, every trace.
In the whispers of love, let's find our rhyme,
Together forever, till the end of time.

Through every storm, we'll stand strong,
In the sanctuary of our love song.
No distance too far, no hurdle too high,
With you by my side, I'll reach the sky.

Let's take our time, in this sweet embrace,
Cherishing every moment, every trace.
In the whispers of love, let's find our rhyme,
Together forever, till the end of time.

So let's take our time, my love, hand in hand,
In this journey of love, let's make our stand.
Through the highs and lows, we'll always climb,
For in each other's arms, our forever we'll find.

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