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Today's the day, we say goodbye,
To someone who touched the sky so high,
Though not by blood, he was family to me,
A bond so strong, it was easy to see.

In my mother's eyes, he found his place,
A love that time could not erase,
I cherish the memories, the laughter we'd share,
But now he's gone, and it's just not fair.

He used to pick me up when I was down,
Chasing away my tears, my frown,
But now he's gone, and I'm all alone,
In this world, without him, I must roam.

Oh, the pain, it cuts so deep,
In my heart, the sorrow's steep,
I've lost a piece of me, you see,
Without him here, I'm not complete.

He loved me as his very own,
Through every storm, together we'd be shown,
The times I stumbled, made mistakes,
He forgave me, for love's sake.

Summer barbecues, laughter in the air,
All those moments, so precious and rare,
He'd call me "saucisse," a name so sweet,
Our bond was strong, and it couldn't be beat.

But now he's left, and I can't find,
The strength within, to ease my mind,
I'm drowning in this sea of grief,
Missing him brings so much pain, no relief.

Oh, the pain, it cuts so deep,
In my heart, the sorrow's steep,
I've lost a piece of me, you see,
Without him here, I'm not complete.

This farewell feels like the end,
Of my childhood, around the bend,
No more roots to hold me tight,
I'm adrift in this endless night.

I won't be there as he's laid to rest,
A heavy heart inside my chest,
It's not about courage or the will to go,
It's just too much, my heart says no.

My father said, "It's life's cruel way,
Generations pass, like night to day,
First grandparents, then parents must depart,
Leaving a void in every heart."

Oh, the pain, it cuts so deep,
In my heart, the sorrow's steep,
I've lost a piece of me, you see,
Without him here, I'm not complete.

Today marks the end of an era, it's true,
A part of my life, forever in view,
I'll hold onto memories, in my heart they'll reside,
Though he's gone, his love, it won't subside.

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