34 - #ToCatchAWolf

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Nat asked, her voice trembling with anxiety.

"It'll work," I reassured her.

It had been almost a week since Harriet's accident, and the Wolf hadn't replied to any of my messages yet. Nevertheless, I hoped the surprise I'd prepared would be able to lure her back to the hunting ground.

I opened Louise's TweetyGram account and sent the Wolf a message.

Hey! Are you there?

Look what I got for you!!!

I sent her a photo of the signed copy of P.S. I Still Hate You that Nat had gotten from her friend.

Thirty seconds hadn't passed before Nat started pacing back and forth in the middle of my living room. "She's not replying." She bit her lower lip and shook her head. "This isn't working. I knew it. This isn't working."

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure the Wolf would read my message. I wasn't even sure if she hadn't deleted the app from her phone. She hadn't deactivated her account, though, which gave me hope that TweetyGram's annoying notifications would do their magic and coax the Wolf to check her DM.

"Relax, Nat. She's probably just busy. Or maybe she's in the bathroom. Or—"

My phone buzzed. There was a new message from the Wolf.

"Is that her?" Nat rushed toward me.

I gestured for her to sit beside me on the sofa. She took a deep breath and lowered herself to the cushion. As my thumb hovered over the notification on my phone, my heart pounded in anticipation. This is it. I swallowed against my dry throat and pressed the notification. It led me to my conversation with the Wolf.

Hey, Louise!

Sorry for the late reply. I've been super busy.

The wolf quoted the photo I'd sent her and commented:

OMG! That book isn't supposed to come out until next week!

How did you get it?

Nat and I shared a look and nodded.

"Here it goes," I said as I typed in my response.

My uncle's friends with Ginny Kim.

Oh, that's awesome!

I'm so jealous rn

LOL don't be!

I got this for you!!!

No, you didn't.


My message was marked read and the green dot next to the Wolf's username told me she was still online, but she didn't reply right away.

"Why isn't she replying?" Nat asked, panic creeping into her voice.

I chewed my nails while asking myself the same question. Seconds passed without a response from the Wolf. Maybe she was too astonished to respond. Or maybe she was carefully planning her next move. Or maybe she sensed the trap.

Aww, that's so sweet of you!

I released the breath I'd been holding. Anxiety subsided, replaced with a fresh wave of determination. Alright, Malibu Wolf. Time to stop you once and for all.

Anything for my BFF!!!

So, where should I send the book?

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