Chapter Five

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I am SO sorry for not updating Tuesday! I was down at my cottage all week! I meant to give a warning that there would not be an update, but the internet was shut down before I could do anything! Please don't be mad with me!

So here's chapter five! Hope you all enjoy!

Ps. If you don't like the story, please don't hate. It's a bit of a struggle for me to write, so I'm doing the best I can and I'd appreciate if all unwanted comments were kept off. Thank you.

~ Cosmos


"W-wait. Can we take m-my car?"

Hunter just about dumps me into his gorgeous car, which I would have happily obliged to, but I need to get my car home or it's likely from what I've been told that I won't see it in the morning.

"Of course," He flatly says, and shuts the door. "Where is your car?"

"Right beside y-yours." I weakly point at my lovely Camaro, to which he guides me over to without response or any sort of hesitation.

"You're nervous." He states, and I go frigid. "How come?"

Gosh golly, he may actually seriously care about my well-being. "I - well - I'm not e-exactly a - a people person. Y'know?"

"You were with other students at lunch." He opens the passenger door and helps me in, quickly round the car and taking the front seat.

"Well, they - I could easily, um, talk to them, like - they were easy to -" I'm probably flushed so deep in the face it looks purple by now. "I'm not trying to i-imply that you a-aren't easy to - to talk to -"

"Are you trying to imply that you're afraid of me?" The engine roars to life. He asks everything so innocently, with such a tone I've never heard on a person our age.

But god, it's attractive.

"N-no!" I immediately stutter out. "I - I don't know how I talked to them. I'm usually not that sociable." To be honest, I'm a little scared. He's just so incredibly mysterious I don't know what on earth to expect from him.

"I don't know how to help. I apologize." He pulls us out of the parking lot. "What is your address?"

I forgot about this part. I hesitate, wondering whether it's a good idea or not to give him my address, but I give in. "1001 Churchill Avenue, in the new Dexterfield neighbourhood off of Richmond."

He doesn't say anything as he takes a sharp right, and I give a quick, short gasp as he literally floors the pedal and we dart down the road like a bullet.

"Jesus frickin' CHRIST Hunter what the hell are you trying to KILL US-" I scream with as much air is left in my lungs, pressing myself into back into the chair as much as possible. I glare at him with a horrified stare; he looks out at the road unfazed, as if this is completely normal for him. He speeds through the stream of cars, through red lights and once even through a red light for a train to pass by, taking the deadliest turns known to mankind, not once batting an eye. I scream more than once as he nearly collides with other cars several times, but never does he hit anything. I'm amazed that we've come this far and the police aren't after us yet.

My phone buzzes in my bag. Whoop. With a trembling hand, I reach back to my bag, fish my phone out of the pocket, and press the call button as I slap it to my ear. "He-hello?"

"Garth, dude! Where the hell did you go?" Andrew exclaims.

I try to appear as calm as possible. It doesn't work. Hunter doesn't even acknowledge I'm on the phone. "I - I'm b-being driven home."

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