Chapter Fourteen

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I'll stop before I get out of hand, but seriously.

Anywho! Here is chapter fourteen ... enjoy!

*cries because I suck at updating* *cries harder because writer's block*

~ Cosmos


When there's a whole row of empty seats at the back of your first class, you know today is going to be a good day.

After parting with Devon and Samantha, Andrew, Grace and I sprint for bio like the devil's chasing us, and we crash into the first three seats in the back corner before any other kid has a chance to get through the doorway. Of course Grace and I squabble like babies for the corner seat, but in the end her doe eyes make me give in, and I sit on Andrew's left. We try to spark conversation, though our smiles quickly fade when a voice chirps in my upper ear.

"Well! How are we today, Mr. Riggs? Eager to learn, I see!" Mr. Spin leans over my shoulder, a big smile plastered on his roundish face of folds. He's wearing a tie with the periodic table smattered over it in random patterns, dangling just inches from my face. I may have a poor sense of fashion, but I'm smart enough to realize when you've crossed the line.

"Uh — yeah. Sure am." I answer sheepishly, pulling a totally awkward fake smile. Andrew tries to hold back a snort.

Mr. Spin doesn't seem to care. "Wonderful! They've just let me access your marks from last year and so I've been poring over them, and I must say you are one of the most intelligent students to set foot in my classroom! I shouldn't be surprised, though — the Riggs' genes are flawless in every aspect!"

I can feel a nice shade of ruby wash over my face. "Oh. Um ... t-thanks ..."

"And I've partnered you with Mr. Jackson, yes? How is he?" Apparently this man doesn't blink either. He'd be the perfect grandfather icon if that one flaw didn't make him seem like I'm his prey.

"He's great. Really smart; easy to work with." If I don't end it there, then I don't know if there could be an end later on.

"Excellent to hear! Incredibly peculiar he is, though, dressing like that but so proper; but the more intelligent learners the better! I'm glad you're having a great start at Centennial so far, Mr. Riggs!"

Then he goes off to chat up Grace and Andrew about their experiences so far, and I'm relieved, or else I would've blown a fuse or two. He can be the sappiest, most cutout-character ever for all I care, but he dares to insult Hunter? Directly to my face?

"Ah, Mr. Jackson! Good to see you, too!"

Mr. Spin quickly scurries over from my friends to Hunter, shaking his offered hand gladly. I watch as they pass words, the smile evident in the professor's voice, mirrored to a complete opposite with Hunter. It's downright attractive.

"Dude, you should've seen yourself," Andrew finally bursts out laughing. "You were redder than the acne on that fat bully's face! You were so awkward!"

City of Blood [boyxboy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें