Chapter Six

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I get it.

I suck seriously at updating. I know.

Seriously, I think about updating ALL day, and then I get distracted by some chore or some business amongst whatever and then I never update. Whoop.

Anywho, enjoy, my lovely readers! Please don't be mad with me. So very very sorry for not updating when promised.

~ Cosmos


My dad is likely dead.

His words hit hard, and sink in quick. My emotions begin to go haywire; half of me is sinking into a panic and depression for my dad, but the other half is completely mesmerized by the way Hunter said my name for the first time. I never thought my name could sound so gorgeous, but here Hunter is to prove me wrong.

I'm pathetic.

Then I notice my intensely stinging eyes, clenched teeth, increasingly heavy breathing, closing throat, and my hands gripping the seat so tight I might tear it. I clench my teeth even harder, hard enough for my jaw to break, so that no tears mark territory on my face. I sit and shake in terror, unable to do anything else.

"Garth." Just hearing him speak my name - just to make matters worse, his tone has changed from expressionless to soft and gentle - makes me calm down, but my cheeks burn.

I sniffle, and turn to look at Hunter with a pained expression, attempting to stop my shaking and all of my other stupid actions, but I fail miserably. All I can do is hope he isn't silently judging me for being a baby.

He speaks slowly and clearly and I might just die from listening to its beautifulness. "It is also likely that your father is still alive. He might be injured, but because he is such an important character, the officials would have protected him no matter where he was in the building as best they could. The authorities are trained for this; they know who they are against, so they're prepared to protect your father at all costs. Please, calm down." He pauses. Then, after a few seconds of hesitation, he adds in a voice just a bit quieter, "I don't like seeing you like this."

I look down and away in the opposite direction. I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed. "I - I'm sorry ..." Is all I can think of to say. I want to climb on him and hug him and have him hug me until all my problems go away. And then kiss him till he can't breathe. I can't even count how many times I've dreamt about that within the eight hours since I first saw him.

I am really pathetic.

"Don't be. It's not your fault." He says. He pulls into the gas station, and parks the car.

"Sorry ..." I apologize for apologizing.

"You don't need to say sorry." He pushes the car door open. I watch the muscles in his back flex with every movement.

"Sorry," I whimper, growing steadily nervous again.

He stops, and sighs heavily.

He hates me.

My eyes grow wide with fear and sorrow when he turns his entire body to address me, and I know he notices it. "Garth, there is absolutely nothing you need to apologize for. Everything is fine. Just wait here and settle yourself while I fill up the car, okay?"

I almost moan at his voice, but I bite my tongue hard to keep it back. I give a small nod, and he swings out of the vehicle and walks to the back, seemingly happy with my response and the fact that it wasn't another sorry.

I let out a deep sigh, and my phone rings again. I pluck it from my bag with two fingers, and read the name of the caller scrawled across the screen.

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