This is the Author Pleading with You All

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Hi, guys. This isn't the next chapter but I really REALLY need you to read it anyways.

I posted a message a week ago on my profile, asking for your help. But whether it be that it got caught up in all your spam or some of you just plain ignored it, I've gotten nothing to elude to anyone having seen it.

So I'm putting it here!

I'm really stuck, you guys. My chapters are growing duller and duller and we all know it, but I don't know how to fix it because I'm not sure of exactly what you guys want to see. There's so many ideas in my head that I don't know which ones to put out first, or even which ones will keep you guys interested! So I need your opinions!

If it's a response to this post, or a reply to the post on my profile, or a private message, SOMETHING, something eluding to what you're really wanting to know about that's happened in the story thus far, or you just want something to happen for whatever reason, that would be fantastic. If I can't get your feedback, then I'm just going to keep on writing as I see fit and that could mean that we'll all suffer the consequences.

It doesn't even have to be a full sentence! You could literally just write "more action" or "less monologue" and I'd be SO happy!

This probably isn't your ultimate favourite story, and I update pretty slowly, but I would be forever grateful to anyone who could help me out right now. I'm close to finishing chapter Twenty, but I'm currently freaking out because I don't want it to bore you guys.

We've come this far, and I'm forever ecstatic about it and grateful to you all already, but let's not let it end here! I've never completed a full story before, but I want that to end with this one. But the only way I can get there is if you guys can consider helping. With paranoia comes lack of motivation — with lack of motivation comes no story and we're back where we started.

Please please PLEASE consider helping me out! Just a quick comment on this post or a reply to the one on my profile and you're done and you've just aided in the progression of this journey! I don't want to let you guys down!

Thank you so much to those who actually took the time to read this, and thanks a million to everyone who's stuck with the story thus far. You guys are the greatest.

Cosmos ~

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