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Hey guys! Quick note before I start. From now on, there will be some chapters from Thorne's point of view. So they will be marked in the title with (Thorne). Keep voting and commenting and i dont know. any feedback is very welcome! :D Thetinymockingjay


I watch here rise up into the arena and I can't sit still. Does she realise? Will she realise? I see her gaze catch something up in a tree. I follow it and see a black bag. It's not just any black bag though. It's the black bag with spare wire for snares we camouflaged together the day before her accident.

I watch her carefully and realise that if I want to get in and save her, and if I want to keep the arena's location a secret, I will have to let her know somehow that the arena is our forest. If she works it out herself, she might tell someone and then we will both be in trouble. Or she could act stupidly because of the amount of time she had spent there and end up dead because she isn't used to other people spending time in the forest. For the rest of the day, I pace back and forth in my room. How can I get the message to her?

I finally sit down on my bed with my face in my hands. I have to tell her somehow! I look up at the television to see her walking along a path. I can tell she is remembering something - perhaps how we walked along that path with our fathers? Suddenly she stops in front of a thorny bush and I just catch what she whispers:


She remembers me! She must have been thinking about how we walked along that path together! We were talking about a little collection the two of us had, hidden in the forest so that we could surprise our fathers with new hunting jackets. Of course, she doesn’t know that it is the exact same path… Well, I hope she doesn’t!

I know how to help her! The collection! Obviously, since her accident, we didn’t buy our fathers hunting jackets because she didn’t go into the woods anymore and I didn’t use the money to buy one for my father because that wouldn’t be fair on her; she contributed as much as I did. I have been continuing to put the money in there for years, just incase there was a slight chance I might be able to pull enough money together to help get her some help for her leg. Since she may never come out, I think I can use some of that money to buy her something to increase her chances of survival. Besides, if she does win, she will go back to the Capitol after the games and they can fix her leg! I still feel really bad about causing the accident. I feel like it is my fault! No wonder she doesn’t seem to like me the way I like her.

Without a second thought that may make me change my mind, I run out into the forest. I sprint as fast as I can to the place where I remember hiding the collection. I have been putting money in for almost 8 years now so there is quite a lot. 200 dollars. That's more than I have ever had in my life! I will go send a parachute now.

When I get home, I write a note:

Dear Anya,

Don't show this to anyone! No one can know that you and I know this secret. If the Capitol finds out, they will kill us for sure. And it would be a slow and painful death. You know how much they hate it when we make them look stupid…

The arena is in District 12's woods. That's why you saw that bag and found the knives. Try to get to our hut at the lake. Our water bottles and some food are still there. If you want to collect your own food, try our snare line.

Keep safe and try to win!


I fold it up as small as I can and go to the town square where we in the district can sponsor the tributes. I select a sleeping bag, some food and a bottle of water. Then I see a backpack and grab that too. I slip the note into the front pocket and show the lady at the front desk what I wish to send in before shoving it all into the bag. She ties a silver parachute to the bag and asks me to pay 100 dollars. It is quite a lot - half of our savings - but anything for Anya. I'm sure she would understand.

I walk home, happy that I have helped her to survive. For the first time since she was reaped, I fall asleep quickly.

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