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Hey guys! Just a quick Author's note because I haven't written in ages! Sorry about that... gotta love school, right? Anyway. Sorry it's so short. I have more prepared and holidays are comming up so expect to have some more to read soon :) Hope you like it! It really makes my day if I get a comment or vote or whatever so thanks to everyone who does! Just thought I would let you know :) Enjoy.


When I wake up the next morning, my prep team is standing in the door. I sit up and wave them in. They must be here to get me ready for the interview. At least it is my last one before I get to go home!

There isn't much for them to do because of everything they did yesterday. They decide that I will wear the same pants but with a hot pink shirt instead, rather than the gold one. I don't really like the colour but the outfit does look nice. I also put the same boots on as last night because they were quite comfortable. I walk into the living room to find it all set up for the interview. The fact that it isn't a live interview relaxes me a little though I'm still nervous.

As I enter, the host smiles.

"Hey, Anya," he says. "You ready for your last interview?"

"Not really," I reply hesitantly.

"You will be fine," he says kindly before turning to the camera crew and getting them ready.

3… 2… 1…

The host welcomes everyone to the final interview for this hunger games before getting straight into business.

"So, Anya," he starts. "How does it feel to be the 2nd ever victor of the Hunger Games?"

I hesitate as I decide how I will answer.

"Well, I'm really just glad that I get to go home to my family and friends in District 12. That was really all I ever wanted to come out of this."

He smiles. I assume that answer will become more and more common from now on.

"Is there anyone in particular you are looking forward to seeing at the station?" He asks.

Ummm… I have to really think about my answer here because I don't think saying Thorne is the best idea though he is the one I want to see the most.

"My little sister, Heather." I say and smile. I get to see Heather again tomorrow!

"She's the one you talked about in your first interview, right?" he asks and I nod in response. "Well I'm glad you get to see her again since you care about her so much."

I smile and wait for the next question.

"So last night, when you were watching the replay of the games, what was your favourite part?"

I don't even need to think about the answer to this question!

"Definitely the very end when I trap the girl from 1," I say confidently.

"And why was that?" the host asks.

"Because it was quite amusing until I had to watch her drown and I was really proud of what I did. The trap worked perfectly because I took the time to perfect it and I was also proud of my knife throw when I compare it to hers. I thought she would be better than me because she had a victor helping her as a mentor, giving her the advantage, but she wasn't. She was overconfident." I reply.

Just as I am wondering how long this interview is going to go for the host announces that it is the last question.

"If you could have one wish as a victor, what would it be?"

I think about this question for a few minutes before deciding.

"I would wish that no one would ever be reaped for the hunger games again because it is such a traumatic experience for both the tributes who have to kill others both older and younger than themselves and for the families and friends since they may never see their daughter or son again."

The host nods and I can see tears in his eyes.

"What a noble wish. Everyone, please congratulate our victor, Anya Hart!"

I smile and wave to the cameras one last time before they cut the tape. It's finally all done!

I sigh as I lean back in the chair. I can't believe it is all done and now I get to go home!

Sophia walks over and grabs my hand before telling me it's time to go.

I don't even bother getting changed out of my outfit before I get on the train. I just want to get home as soon as I can. I want to get out of here and never have to deal with the games again. But of course, I'm not going to be that lucky. I still have the victory tour in 6 months time where I have to 'meet' the other tributes' families and their districts and then I have to mentor our tributes for the games until I die or until we get another victor to help me out. Hopefully we get another victor soon because I don't think I will be able to cope with the stress of coming to the Capitol every year to train tributes who probably won't leave the arena alive. I don't bother going to dinner on the train because I'm not really hungry so I just lay my clothes out nicely over a chair and curl up in bed.

Tonight, the nightmares begin.

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