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I hear a fizzle and see a flash out of the corner of my eye. What could that be? Hopefully not some tribute with an electric shocker or fire lighter or something. I don't feel like killing anyone else right now.  I look in the direction of the flash and suddenly, it fizzles and flashes again! Someone is throwing something at the forcefield. I wonder who that could be! I guess it could be my dad or Thorne… Anyone that knows the woods. I guess there is only 1 way to find out.

I climb down my tree and walk over to the forcefield after seeing a third flash. Following the flash, I notice a figure, standing there grinning. It's Thorne. I know because his hair has fallen in front of his face - again. He really should cut it.

I reach the forcefield and he walks a little closer.

"Hey Thorne," I say and smile. I wonder if he can hear me. A faint "hey" in response lets me know that he can, but not very well.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, though I feel like I know the answer.

"Visiting you, of course!" he replies.

Okay, not what I was expecting...

"What are you planning to do? Just stand there? That's about all you can do considering there is a forcefield between us." I say sarcastically.

"Well," he says matter-of-factly, "I thought that either you could come out here or I could go in there. The first option would be better though - slightly less suspicious."

Right. How am I meant to get over to the other side? Magically walk through it?

"I know what you're thinking," Thorne interrupts my thoughts. "How do we get past the forcefield. Well, I thought that we might be able to swim under. Can you try? Please?"

"Fine." I say and sigh. "But I don't think it will work…"

I grab my stuff and hide it under a bush before diving into the lake.

The water is freezing! I swim towards the other side of the lake, making sure to always touch the bottom and am pleasantly surprised that when I surface, the forcefield is behind me!

"Okay, you were right," I shout to Thorne who smiles when he sees me on his side of the forcefield.

I scramble out of the lake and reach out to Thorne as he runs towards me. He helps me up and pulls me into a tight hug, despite my soaking wet clothes and hair. We stand there for what feels like ages before he hands me a pair of spare crutches which he must have brought from home and we head into the hut.

"So…" I say, feeling quite awkward being in the woods with him for the first time since my accident.

He smiles gently and asks, "Are you okay? How is the arena going?"

Unfortunately, his question makes me feel even more awkward.

"Well," I start, shyly, "I have killed two tributes so far which is good for my chances, I guess but I feel terrible…"

"Did you actually know them?" he asks gently.

"Well, no. The one I killed last night I didn’t actually see his face and I don't know what district because so many people died at the Cornucopia and I also killed the boy from 4 just before you came. I didn’t know him either. By the way, do you want a trident? Because if you do, there is one at the bottom of the lake."

He laughs at my last comment and replies, "I would love a trident! Pick it up for me when you go back later."

He grabs a towel from behind him and wraps it around me. That's better. I'm not so cold any more!

I yawn and realise how tired I am and how relieved I really am to be out of the arena, at least for a little while.

"I'm tired." I announce.

"Go to sleep," Thorne replies gently. "I'll keep watch and wake you later."

"mmmkay…" I mumble as I lie down on a roll-out mat and close my eyes. Thorne lets me rest my head in his lap and strokes my hair until I fall asleep.

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