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Hey there! So I would also like to dedicate this chapter to an amazing writer, @shooting_starr. She was the one who read my story and suggested I extend the chapters and I would just like to thank her by dedicating my favourite and probably best chapter to her. Her writing is amazing, too so you should check it out :) Thanks for the votes, comments and follows too. It is actually really exciting for me!! XD Thetinymockingjay <3


I wake to the sound of barking in the distance. I wonder what that could be. Maybe the careers are being chased by mutts. As I think of that idea, I hop up, shove my sleeping back in my pack and head to the lake as fast as I can.  When I get there, I hide in a bush to wait. The barking and shouting seems to be getting closer the more I wait until there is a loud scream and the barking intensifies. Whatever those dogs were, they must have caught one of the careers.

"Josh, no!"

I hear someone shout. The boy from 1 must have been captured by the dogs.

It late in the afternoon before the barking slowly dies out and I hear footsteps running towards the lake. Now, I need to put my plan into action.

"Hey! Over here!" I shout at the girl from 1 as she nears the lake.

She turns her head in my direction and smiles.

"I'm gonna kill you 12," she says menacingly as she slowly walks towards me. "I'm not even going to bother running at you because that would be no fun, since you can't run away fast enough."

At least I don't have to run away, then. Makes it easier for me. I walk slowly backwards towards the lake and towards my trap. Hopefully she doesn’t notice until it's too late.

"Ha!" She exclaims, "If you keep walking backwards you won't have anywhere to go. There is a lake there, you know."

If she thinks I don't know that, then she is an idiot. She obviously doesn't know I can swim.

"Well," I say. "Maybe if you throw your weapons at me, I'll stop walking backwards anyway. But no, you don't want to do that. It's not fun enough!"

She looks at me, shocked and outraged.

"Fine!" she shouts back at me. "I'll throw this knife at you, since it's the only think that isn't in my pack."

Ooops… I don't really want a knife to the head but it's better than her escaping from the trap since I think I can dodge.

She takes aim and throws the knife but she doesn't quite let it go at the right time. It was such a bad throw, I didn’t even need to dodge.

"Some throw you've got there!" I say, smiling.

Maybe that wasn't the best idea because she looks pretty angry, now.

"Well, can you do any better, 12?" she asks, scathingly.

In answer I pull my knives from my bag and dump the bag next to the lake. I've reached the shore.  I pick a knife and throw it. Unfortunately for her, she is too confident in my lack of skills  so she doesn’t quite dodge in time and the knife buries itself into her shoulder.

"Perfect hit!" I exclaim!

That's when she runs.

I dive into the water and swim towards my trap. Hopefully she can't swim as well as I can. I get to the net and tread water behind it as she swims into the net and is yanked up out of the water.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" she screams as I get to the shore.

"A trap," I reply, calmly. "Have fun drowning."

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