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I wake to the sound of birds cheeping and singing as they fly through the trees. I take my time getting up. I'm not keen for more killing. I can't believe I've killed three tributes in the past two days! I suppose it means I have a pretty good chance of getting out alive. There is nothing in particular I want or need to do today so I head down to the lake before realising that I do need to do something - give Thorne the trident. When I get to the lake, I dive straight in and swim to the other side, out of the arena.

Throne is already sitting outside the hut when I surface. He immediately gets up and brings my crutches to me.

"Here's that trident you wanted," I say and smile.

"Thanks," he replies and grins as he takes the weapon. "How are you?"

I have to think about that. Physically, I am well but I feel pretty terrible since I've killed 3 out of the 14 dead tributes.

"Okay," I decide. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"That's fine," he says and sits in front of the lake. "Anything you want to do?"

"No, not really," I say. "I just wanted to get away from it for a while."

At least I have that option, unlike the other tributes.

We sit by the lake for together for hours. We swim a bit too before going for a walk but we always  end up back at the lake, just relaxing together. As the sun sets, we watch it sink behind the forcefield. It is a beautiful sight with lots of reds and oranges with a tiny bit of pink and purple. I remember watching it go down sometimes when we hunted in the woods with our families.

"Anya…" Thorne starts before trailing off and looking away.

"Yes, Thorne?" I ask.

"I… I don't exactly know how to tell you this or what you will think of it but…" He takes a deep breath before whispering, "I love you."

I don't know what to say as he turns away again, embarrassed.

"I just thought I should tell you now, incase… incase you die in there," He mumbles, looking at the arena. Suddenly it all makes sense - the grass bracelet he gave to me on reaping day, the supplies he sent to me, the note letting me know where I was, all the help he has given me whenever I leave the arena. All this because he loves me. I don't know why I do it, but I turn his head to look at me and kiss him gently on the lips before standing up and entering the hut.

I lay out a bed roll that I find leaning against the wall and a sleeping bag I find in the corner as far away from Thorne's as I can and settle into bed. It takes me what feels like hours to fall asleep since I am so shocked at both what Thorne just announced and what I just did in response. I finally fall asleep, just after Thorne enters the hut to settle down himself.

It's not until the next morning when I wake up that I remember what such a red sunset means:


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