Chapter 18 - Home

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Hey Everyone! This is probably one of the last chances I'm going to get to update again before the next holidays but I'll try my best!! I don't really like this chapter but I will leave it here, I guess. There is only really two chapters to go - Anya's meeting with Thorne and an epilogue which will introduce the sequel (which I already have planned but I don't think I will start writing until I finish my other story, Dauntless Tributes). This story has gone on so long... Wow. I didn't realise... Anyway. I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you like it, don't forget to vote/comment. I really love hearing from you guys!


I run through the forest, screaming for help. I swear I killed them; yet here they are, chasing after me and if I stop for even a moment, they will kill me slowly and painfully to get their revenge.

"Thorne!" I call out. Maybe if I can get to the lake I can trap them all then escape to the hut.

I turn towards my goal and almost run into Thorne.

"Thorne! Help me!" I shout.

"I'll hold them off," he tells me. "You run, keep going to the hut and I'll meet you back there."

"No!" I scream. "They'll kill you!"

"Just run!" He yells at me and gives me a shove. I keep running to the lake but instead of continuing on like Thorne told me to, I climbed up a tree. Thanks to my stupid new leg, it took longer than it used to - it feels so uncoordinated!

I turn around in the branches to see that the tributes have surrounded Thorne and are slowly circling in towards him, ready to make the kill. He bravely stabs his trident at them but they evade it and laugh at him.

"Let's kill him slowly and make her watch. That will break her," the girl from 1 says to her allies, loud enough for me to hear.

"NO!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as they begin to slash at Thorne.

"Anya!" I hear a new voice say gently and I turn around. There is no one there.


The voice is louder this time and I open my eyes to find Sophia next to my bed.

"Are you okay?" she asks, concerned.

It must have been a nightmare. None of it was real.

"Ummm…" I say, not entirely sure what the answer to the question here.

She sighs in understanding.

"You will be home, soon," she promised, soothingly. "And then you can see this Thorne again."

I blush at her comment. I must have been screaming Thorne's name in real life as well as in my dream.

Suddenly, the train pulls to a stop. We must be stopping to refuel.

"Come stretch your legs," Sophia suggests. "Maybe some fresh air will make you feel better."

I pull on my clothes from yesterday and head out with Sophia. We walk along the train track for a little and then sit under a tree for a few minutes before heading back, just in time for the train to leave.

"Thanks, Sophia," I say and smile. She really has been a great help.

"Any time," she replies and returns the smile. "Try get some more sleep and if you need anything, I'm here."

I nod and walk back to my room before settling back in bed. Hopefully I don't have any more nightmares.

But what's the likelihood of that?

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