Day 4

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Cross-Over Day

"I was Drunk; It was VidCon"

Can I cross-over into the YouTube fandom? Is that a cross-over? I think so. . .

Alec's eyes avoided the camera for a moment, despite the fact that he was filming.

But he had no idea how to start.

"So basically I'm an socially-inept human who can't do much of anything," Alec finally said.

The green light flashed steadily in response.

"I am literally incapable of doing anything," he said. He rubbed his temples. He still wasn't quite over his embarrassing blunder. "So I was on my phone, trying to get to the subway station on 72nd. And I was checking my email and walking down the stairs. Now, the logical, clutzy person wouldn't be on their phone and walking, right?"

He fell silent again, looking for the words.

"I saw that I had this email from YouTube, and it looked all officially and stuff, which is a big deal because why would YouTube be emailing little ole' me? So I'm on the first landing and this email finally opens because Sprint is the worst cell phone provider in the world and their 4G sucks-- I'm rambling." He finally looked up into the camera.

"Okay, deleting that-- So I'm on the first landing and this email finally opens and it's an invitation to host a panel at VidCon."

A smile lit up his face.

"But before I celebrate-- back to the story, I freeze on this landing and I'm internally screaming and this person runs into the back of me. Both of our phones go flying and I'm flailing, trying catch my precious iPhone. But the guy behind me is doing the same thing, except his hands are slapping the back of my head, until I fall down the steps-- I'm literally falling on my stomach down the stairs, until I hit the feet of the person in front of me-- they fall-- and our phones are still flying through the air. And if I slid forward maybe another foot, I figure, I can actually catch them before they shatter on the ground."

Alec cringed.

"So I'm crawling over the top of this person, they're screaming, I'm screaming, the guy behind me is screaming and-- yeah, no, it wasn't another foot. They fell to the bottom of the steps."

Alec raised his shattered iPhone.

"I am physically incapable of telling you what happened after. So much yelling."

He rubbed his forehead again.

"I shouldn't be allowed out of my house."

The green light encouraged him to finish the video.

"But, anyways, I was still invited to speak at VidCon!" He threw up his hands, smiling like the stupid dork he was. "And so why wouldn't I go? I'm going to VidCon, guys! And I get to meet people--"

He hadn't thought about that.

"Shit," he swore. He glanced back up at the camera. "Yeah, maybe this wasn't a good idea."

"I guess I'm getting more details as soon as I accept but I'm assuming I'll be on stage--" Yet another realization hit him. "Wow, um, I really didn't think this through. Too late now though. Anyways, I'll be up there with other YouTubers and I'm really excited to see you guys and meet them and hopefully not die of social anxiety but hey! That's half my charm, right? Or at least I think so."

"So I'll see you guys next week, hopefully with more details!"

He jumped up from his chair, shutting the camera off.

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