chapter 1

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|Amber's point of view |

"Hey baby girl, ready to go?"

Okay so here's my story.

My names is Amber. Im seventeen years old and i have a beautiful daughter named Logan. Logan Alison Dallas. My last name isnt dallas though, i gave Logan her dad's name, even she has never met him. Its not like he found out and decided to ditch me because i was pregnant or something, in fact, he never found out that i was pregnant at all. Logan, my Dad and I live in north Carolina and my mom isnt really in the picture anymore. You see my mom was a drug addict and she was abusive, my dad turned her into the cops as soon as he found out, I was 14 at this time. When i was 13 i secretly started dating this kid, Toby. I kept him a secret because if I told anyone, and my mom found beatings would be a hundred times worse. One day i found out he had started seeing another girl only days after we got together. I was heartbroken. I guess I wasn't really heartbroken that he cheated, more that he was my first boyfriend and I wasn't good enough for even him. Not good enough for anyone..

I was ignored in school by almost everyone, and bullied by a small group of populars. The group was led by the one and only Cameron Dallas. For some reason, he offered to give me a ride home one day. I didn't want to accept and I didn't trust him but it was pouring rain and I was running late, I couldn't afford to come home late and my mother to find out, so I accepted his offer. He began talking to me outside of school a lot more but he was just as much of a dick around his friends. For a while I just ignored it, glad to have someone at least pretend to care about me as an actual human being. Then one day, he kissed me. Right in the middle of an empty school hallway. However when his friends walked by and saw, he blamed it all on me, telling me to get off him and made it seem like I jumped on him, which couldn't have been farther from the truth. I didn't even kiss him back. I quickly turned my back and walked the other way, and that walking turned to running as I heard them all laughing and talking behind me. Cameron must have followed me after his friends left because he walked in on me trying to hurt myself in a locker room that was never used. I wanted to hate him so bad, but I couldn't. There was something about this damn boy that I couldn't hate. We dated for almost two years but I still kept it as hidden from my family as possible, but eventually my mother found out and that's not a night I want to relive. At the end of 9th grade, he found out he was moving. All the way to Florida.

One week before he found out, we had sex for the first time. I found out i was pregnant with Logan the day before he moved. He was already really stressed and frustrated about moving. There was no way i was telling him i was pregnant, that would just make matters worse. Finally, he moved away to Florida without a single clue that he was a father. after he left, I was constantly bullied about being pregnant in high school. I got pretty use to hearing the words "slutty whore". One year after Logan was born, i started making vines and they ended up getting really popular. 2 weeks ago, some guy named Bart, or something emailed me asking me if i wanted to join some thing called MAGCON and i happily accepted. Now we're here, july 20, 2015, on our way to MAGCON DC.

"Hey baby girl, ready to go?" i asked Logan as she nodded her head.

"Are you excited for MAGCON?"

"YES YES YES YES YES" i chuckled as she answered excitedly.

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