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|Amber's point of view|

We've been watching Jackson all afternoon and he's so cute. Him and Logan are so cute together, they get along great.

"Daddy! Play horsey with me!" Logan exclaims, running over to cam.

"But i don't wanna play horsey" he states.

"Yes you do" she says, pulling his arms.

He laughs and picks her up.

"No i don't" he chuckles and she starts fake crying. (Who remembers this from Full house?!)

"Yes you do" she fake cries.

"Fine" he sighs. He plays with them for a while before Matt and McKenna come bursting through the door.

"Mommy!" Jackson yells, running up to McKenna and i can't help but smile.

"Hey Jackson. Did you have fun?" she asks.

"Yea!" he nods his head, vigorously.

"Thank you guys. For watching him" she smiles.

"No problem. We had a good time, right Jackson?" i ask and he nods his head.


"Byebye Jackson!" Logan exclaims, running over to him.

"Byebye Logan" he says and they hug. McKenna and I both smile, because it's just so cute!

"Bye guys" McKenna says, walking out the door.

"Bye!" i say.


One week later

I wake up at 4 in the morning, and run to the bathroom. I barely make it before i puke.

Within a few minutes, cam comes into the bathroom and holds my hair back for me.

"You feeling Okay?" he asks as i finish.

"Yea i feel fine now. That was really weird" i say, leaning against the wall and he sits next to me.

"Maybe you should stay home today" he suggests. I smile and nod.

"Okay" i say. He kisses my forehead and we go back to bed.

Throughout the rest of the day, i felt completely fine. I've been really hungry all day though.

At around 4:30, cam comes home from filming.

"Hey" i greet.

"Hey. How're you feelin'?" he asks, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Good" i smile.

"I don't know what that was this morning, I've been perfectly fine all day" i say.

"Weird" he states, i nod.

"Ya" i say.

Around 7ish i decide to go to sleep because I've been really tired today.

The next morning, i wake up at 4 again, with the same urgency to throw up. Cam sleeps through it through it, but i don't mind. In fact im kind of glad he didn't wake up. This is all way too familiar. I couldn't really be pregnant again, can I?

Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi ok im done now

Q: do u kno wat happened to the fosters?

A: nooooooooooooooooooo and im really mad like they just stopped making episodes. At first i thought like the season ended or somethin but wouldn't they've announced tht or something? Like they didn't say anything they just stopped playing it!!:'(

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