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|Amber's point of view|

As we're walking away, i hear the boy scream out the word i have heard way too many times for a seventeen year old.

More times then anyone should hear it, especially teenagers. Yet teens are always the one to hear it the most.


I feel tears brim my eyes. I know what your thinking

Well if you heard it so many times then why aren't you used to it??

Well to answer your question, i had an older brother, he was always there for me and he was practically my best friend. But when he found out i was pregnant with Logan, he basically disowned me as his sister and called me a..well you know.

It still hurts whenever someone calls me that because Logan means so much to me and i love her like crazy. I don't know why people can't see that.

"What did you just say?" cam turned back around, facing the guy.

"I said slut" he smirked.

"C-cam lets just go" i whispered.

"No, babe i am NOT just gonna sit here and let some idiot call you a slut." he answered.

"Cam its fine. Its true anyways" i mumbled.

"Amber, it's not true! your not a slut! No matter was some douches say. I love you and i know that you are not a slut. You should know that too"

"Actually i think she's got it right, she is a slut. Stop denying it" the boy said.

"I swear.." cam starts but i cut him off.

"Cam, please. I don't want Logan seeing this" i whispered, but they all still heard me.

"So thats the little mistakes name" the boy grinned.

"Don't  talk about my daughter like that" Cam snapped.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes and made his way over Logan.

"Hey kid." he says to her.

"Stay away from her" i warn, picking logan back up and hiding her face in my neck.

"Or what" he, once again, smirks.

With no warning, cam comes over to me and punches him in the face.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY SAM! I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH YOU! YOU COME NEAR AMBER OR LOGAN AGAIN I SWEAR I WILL HAVE YOU ARRESTED" cam shouts before protectively wrapping his arm around my waist. We walk back and decide to just leave the beach.

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