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|Cam's point of view|

Its been a month since the car crash. Amber got out of the hospital, but almost never leaves our room.

Im starting to get really worried about her, she never talks to anyone anymore, she hardly ever eats, and she never leaves our bed. She cries herself to sleep most nights as well.

"Baby, please eat" i beg, just as i do everyday lately.

"Im not hungry"

"You had nothing today or yesterday. Please eat something." i say.

"Cam I'm not hungry" she states.


"I said im not hungry, Cameron, now leave me alone!" she snaps before going into the bathroom and locking the door.

I sigh as Logan comes into the room.

"Daddy" she says in her quiet voice.

"Yea princess" i say pulling her up on my lap.

"When are the babies gonna come?" she asks. I sit there shocked, not knowing how to answer.

"Umm, they aren't babygirl" i say quietly.

"Why not"

"Umm because, do you remember when the big truck hit our car?" she nods.

"And you remember how scary it was?" i ask and she nods again.

"Well, ummm. The babies got scared too, so they decided not to come" i know it sounds stupid but how do I explain to a three year old that her baby brother and sister died..

"Oh" she says sadly. I kiss the top of head as she lays down on my chest.

Soon enough, she falls alseep, so i put her down in her room.

I grab my phone and go into an empty room. And I go on YouNow (if u don't know, YouNow is like YouTube except its all live)

"Hey guys. So you can probably tell that Amber isn't here, and i need to tell you guys something" i start, sadly.

"Umm, so a few weeks ago, we decided to go baby shopping. And on the way back, there was, um a drunk driver. He swerved and hit us, his truck smashed into the passenger side of the car, where Amber was sitting" i begin to explain as tears pool my eyes.

I read some of the comments and most of them are asking if she was okay.

"Yea guys, Amber is fine." physically anyways.. I think to myself.

"Umm and after that, our car began spinning.." i say, trying to blink back tears.

"Shards of glass were flying everywhere. We were being whipped around. Easily the scariest experience ever." i explain.

"Once we stopped spinning, the first thing i did was get Logan out of the car, and make sure she was okay. As i went to check to see if Amber was okay, i saw her laying across the seats. She was unconscious. Shards of glass were sticking out of her skin, her side was covered in blood." i describe as tears begin to loosely fall down my face.

"At the hospital, i was in the waiting room with Logan, but she fell asleep on my lap. The doctor came out and said that Amber was fine, besides a broken ribcage. A-and also t-that the twins didn't live through the accident" my voice was wavering and i was on the verge of sobs, but i didn't stop.

"T-their names were gonna be Hailey Grace Dallas and Jacob Noah Dallas" i cry.

"A-and it was only supposed to be two months until they were born" i wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and continue.

"Amber broke down. She almost never leaves our room. She cries herself to sleep. She stopped eating. She never talks to anyone, not even me. She stays in bed all day...

"So anyways, i just wanted to let you guys know what was going on. Its probably gonna be a little while until we make another YouTube video or tour, we just can't handle that right now, we need to deal with this. Im sorry for letting you guys down. I love you, bye guys" i say, turning my phone off.

I sob into the palms of my hands for who knows how long, but it was a while. I go back to mine and Amber's room, and see her back on our bed, crying quietly. I get on our bed and wrap my arms around her, letting her cry into my chest.

"T-their really g-gone" she chokes out.

"I know, it's hard to believe..." i say, my voice trailing off.

"I-im sorry" she says quietly.

"For what?" i ask, giving her a confuzzled look. (Yes in my story cam says confuzzled too)

"For Me. Your basically taking care of Logan by yourself. Your doing everything. Im sorry. Im a horrible parent"

"I don't ever want to hear you say that again. Your not a horrible parent, not even close. I get it, this hurts. Getting shot in the head would probably hurt less, it hurts me too. And Logan looks up to you. She really loves you Amber. After the car crash, you don't even know how many times she asked if you were gonna be okay. She cried herself to sleep on my lap, not knowing if you were okay." i explain, pulling her closer to me.

"S-she did?" she asks and i nod in response.

"Thanks Cam, for everything" she says quietly.

"I would do it all again in a heartbeat" i respond. She leans up and presses her lips to mine. This eventually turns into a pretty heated make out session..

I grab her waist, pulling her closer to me, if its even possible.

"I love you" she mumbles against my lips. I smile and pull back.

"I love you too" i kiss her forehead and turn around to go to sleep.

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