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|Amber's point of view|

"Guess what?!" Cam yells, running into our room.

"Im gonna be in a movie!" he exclaims.

"Really? Thats amazing babe!" i side-hug him.

"Theres more" he says and u give him a confuzzled look (confuzzled is better! Don't judge me)

"I got you an audition." he says and my eyes go wide.

"Wait really?" he nods.

"Oh my gosh!" Thank you Cam" i hug him extremely tightly.

"Amber...Can't....Breathe" he chokes out and i quickly let go.

"Sorry" i laugh and he smiles at me.

"The audition is at two" he states, handing the script. All the vanessa lines are highlighted.

"Oh and I already went through and highlighted your lines for you." he says.

"Aww thanks" i say, kissing his cheek.

"Wanna practice your lines?"
He asks.

"Sure. Who are you playing in the movie?" i asked.

"Felix" he says.

"The lead?! Cam your the lead in a movie?! That's amazing!" i half yell. he smiles and we start practicing our lines.

V: I do not have time to talk to you

F: you haven't heard what I want to talk about yet

V: Now we've already talked more than i wanted to.

F: I need a report card

V: then i suggest going back to school. Preferably somewhere far away from here

F: Ouch
Or you could just print me one

V: No

"That was amazing Babe. You'll definitely get the part!" cam exclaims, side-hugging me.

Sorry, short chapter.


Q: Whats your favorite candy?

A: atomic Fireballs. Im eating them rn actually: )

Mk byeeee

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