Chapter Eight: Hostile Takeover

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I don't know how long I floated around in the darkness but eventually I made my way back to the world of the conscious with only a mild headache, thank you healing genes. I found myself laying neatly on a bed which I guess was kind of them after I tried to murder them. I rolled over to find Leo leaning against the wall by the door with a large frying pan in his hand. I eyed the pan for a moment before meeting his gaze which was focused on me with nervous suspicion, "Really? Is the frying pan necessary?" I question with a lifted brow.

"Are you going to try and rip my throat out?" He quips back.

I stare at him silently for a moment, "Not unless you try to hit me again."

"Fair enough—" He states before bending over and setting it down on the ground like a small olive branch before standing up and stepping away from it. I smirk at the gesture before I push myself up into the sitting position with a groan. The room spins for a moment and I press a hand to my forehead, "Did you have to hit me that hard?"

"I wasn't really concerned about gaging the force behind my swing. I was more focused on the she-wolf having a possible bloodthirsty mental breakdown..." He say unapologetically making me smirk again as I rubbed my head, "Fair enough..." 

"For someone who basically had a melt down and took a pan to the head you are surprisingly relaxed. Should I be concerned?" Leo questions. I shrug my shoulders as I push myself off the bed taking a turn at standing, "It's been a little while since I've had a panic attack—guess all the stress of the past couple days caught up to me. Nothing to really concern yourself with..." I wasn't sure if it really was something they should be concerned over. I had thought Noah had taught me how to move past the panic attacks but clearly I still had more to learn.

"You've had more than one of those?" He pushes and I grit my teeth at the fact that I had unwittingly shared more information about myself and my past then I had meant too.

"Like I said it's nothing to concern yourself with..."


"DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" I snap at him quickly cutting him off. He looked startled by my presence for a moment and I quickly reeled my wolf back, "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that...still coming out of that near coma you put me in." I tease hoping to distract him away from my attitude change. He looked at me warily but he gave me a small smile, "I did knock you pretty good."

"I'd say..." I grumble jokingly happy he was deciding not to press further for answers.

"Where are the others?" I ask after a small lull in our conversation. Leo smirks, "Marshall has the girls downstairs making dinner—he forced me to stay up here with you until you woke up in case you were still upset. He said if anyone deserved a beating it was me..." I snort at this and give my eyes a small roll. I opened my mouth to make a smart remark but shut it quickly when I heard the sound of harsh growls and Bunny screaming. Leo looked towards the door in surprise before he rushed towards it. I caught his arm before he could leave, making him growl at me in confusion

"Calm down!" I hiss at him.

"This is my family! They're in trouble! Now let me go!" He yanks his arm trying to free himself but I tighten my hold.

"I said calm down!" I use my alpha command on him and his eyes widen in surprise but he shuts his mouth. I listen carefully trying to pick up on how many attackers are in the house but its to hard to tell with all the snarling happening. I let out a sigh of frustration, "Damn it!"

I focus my attention back on Leo, "Okay, listen to me. You are going to go out that window behind me and you are going to track down Silver and Valerie as quickly as you can. I can't imagine they've gotten to far from here yet. Tell them where under attack—"

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