Chapter Thirty-Five: All Men Must Die

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Two days after I had sent Valerie away she returned with Noah and quite a few of his men. They all seemed more than happy to give their support to the cause and though Alpha Kale seemed a bit wary to be working with reformed rogues.It didn't take long though before Noah and Kale were treating each other like old friends. They decided that they should hold a pre-battle celebration for the men, for good luck.

Now that the main cave was full of laughter and shouting, It was hard to imagine that we would be going into battle soon and that some of these people might not come back. I suppose that's why celebrating with each other now was so important. It was a moment to forget all of our worries and to cherish the time and the people who were with us.

Silver leaned down and pressed his lips to my ear, "Later tonight you and I are going to have our own celebration mate." 

A shiver of excitement raced through me, "I can't wait." I whispered back to him. 

He gave me a quick swat to my butt before he pulled away following after Noah who had called him over to join the other men in a well natured round of wrestling. I didn't quite understand it but they tried to push each other out of the circle to prove their strength. It seemed silly to me but men where men. 

I let my eyes scan the room and I spotted Libra and Leo in some type of argument, as usual. I chuckled and continued my perusal my heart feeling light. I noticed Marshall escorting Bunny away from the party and by the look on her face she wasn't to happy about it. As my eyes drifted around the smiling faces in the room I caught a strange scent as someone passed in front of me. I tore my eyes to figure and watched their graceful steps with a strange unease. The stranger paused and cast a glance back in my direction. She smiled a wicked smile before she slowly lifted her hand. In a slow motion she drug her finger across her neck, a death threat. 

My blood froze in my veins. The world around me seemed to move in slow motion as I watched canisters flying through the opening cave. Dense smoke and flashes of light erupted interrupted our former happy celebration. 

"Get down, It's an ambush!" I yelled as everything erupted into chaos. 

 The sound of rapid gun fire pierced through angry growls and reverberated off the cave walls. I felt the fire as my flesh was pierced by  several silver bullets. I hit the ground with a heavy thud. It took a moment for me to register that I lay on the ground in the middle of the surprise attack. I tried to pull myself up off the ground but I quickly fell back to the ground. I looked to see blood pooling around my side, a bullet must have lodged itself in my hip as well as nicked something important by the blood flow. 

I began to drag myself across the cave floor trying to ignore the burning pain in my side. Around me hunters and wolves were fighting and killing each other. The scent of blood overwhelmed all my senses. I needed to find Silver, my mind screamed at me. My eyes began to race through the scenes around me trying to spot him somewhere within it all. Instead I watched as Leo took an arrow to the chest. He stumbled back before falling to the ground beside a fighting Libra. 

"LEO!" I heard as she screamed his name, which caught Lennicks attention who was fighting with a hunter a few feet away from the siblings. Lennicks turned into a crazed beast at whatever he saw. He began ripping through the hunters in his path without a conscious. Blood sprayed onto the cave walls and dripped down off his face. 

My heart clenched tightly in my chest and my desire to know Silver was okay erupted in my mind. I dragged myself further on the ground as helpless tears streamed down my face. I squeezed my eyes shut in frustration, memories of the past floating behind my eyelids. This was my parents all over again—I had been helpless then and I was helpless again to protect the people I loved.

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