Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Call to Arms

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I woke up to the sound of a Silver carrying on a hushed argument, "I don't want to talk about this right now. You should leave before I make you leave..."

"When would be a good time to talk about it? When father has your mate's head on his chopping block?" I recognize Lennicks voice. Silver lets out a low growl at his words, "I will kill anyone who tries to take her from me."

"Well, then you better prepare yourself for a killing field brother because from what I've heard she's got a lot of people gunning for her head." Lennicks replies without much care for his own wellbeing. I let my eyes flutter open but I try to keep my breathing even as I spot the two of them standing at the foot of the bed. Silver's hair is sticking up on one side, obviously having fallen asleep next to me before being awoken by his brother.

"If I remember correctly you were one of those people. Maybe I should start the killing with you..." Silver takes a menacing step towards his brother. Lennicks send him a mocking smirk, "Brother if I truly wanted to harm her why would I have hidden the fact that she is your mate from father and why would I be trying to help you save her right now? Come on let's be logical."

I push myself up in the bed, "Trying to save me how?" I question. Both of them turn there faces toward me. Silver frowning deeply and Lennicks looking mighty full of himself, "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

Silver sent a glare at his brother before he moved around to the side of the bed, "I'm sorry if we woke you—"

I frowned at him, "That's not all that important at the moment Silver, Don't try to change to subject. What are you two arguing about? How is Lennicks trying to save me and from what is he trying to save me from? Is it your father again?"

Lennicks chuckles, "Oh Silver, always keeping secrets."

"Will you shut up?! You're not helping!" Silver snarls at his brother as he run a hand through his already disheveled hair.

"What secrets? What the hell is going on?" I feel myself growing more annoyed by the second. All the warmth and comfort of marking my mate is fading into a bundle of swirling confusion. Silver eases himself onto the edge of the bed, "Valerie came by shortly after you fell  asleep and informed me that my father was going to have you and the others privately executed in the morning."

I feel my heart drop into my stomach, "Why the hell didn't you wake me up? How long have I been asleep for?" I pull myself toward the edge of the bed feeling the need to stand.

"Grace, calm down..." Silver reaches out for me but I slap his hand away in anger, "Don't tell me to calm down! Don't you care about your friends at all?"

"Of course I care about them, but I care about you more. And you needed rest." Silver yells back at me in frustration. I want to be angry at him for that but I know that it's impossible. I'm his mate and if the shoe were on the other foot I would have responded the same way. It's just how the mate bond works. I bite back angry words as I get up out of the bed still only covered by the large oversized shirt. Lennicks lets out a soft wolf whistle which has Silver pushing up off the bed and standing in front of me to block me from his view.

"Don't be to harsh on him Grace—he did send Valerie back out with a vague plan of rescue. Though I'm sure a five year old could have come up with something better..." Lennicks comments in a bored tone. I peer around Silver to get a better look at him, "Why are you even trying to help me—us? What are you getting out of this?"

His eyes meet mine for a moment and I see that I've hit the nail on the head. He was getting something in exchange for helping us. I narrowed my eyes, "That's it isn't? I mean you're clearly a selfish bastard, you wouldn't help us out of the kindness of your heart."

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