Chapter Thirteen: Eye of The Storm

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Bunny and I dragged the unconscious Silver for a while both of us too tired to shift after all the fighting that had happened. In the end though I had made the executive decision that I would shift because at the rate we were moving we'd never get back to the house. I could feel the exhaustion of my wolf as we pushed onward with Silver draped over me. Bunny led the way back making sure to not get to far ahead of me. When the house was insight Bunny let out a loud hoot before taking off with what I suspected was the last of her remaining strength. I trotted after her not being able to get there as fast for fear of jostling Silver too much and damaging him further.

The front door swung open and Marshall took quick strides to Bunny grabbing her up in his arms without a second thought, burrowing his face deep into the crook of her neck. Leo was the next to come through the door and he spotted me with Silver. He stared for a moment in a daze before shaking his head, moving quickly past Marshall. He pulled up his hands into a surrendered position when he got close to us, "I'm just going to help Silver okay?" He asks for permission like I'm in a position to rip him apart. I let out a snort and he takes that as his answer moving forward, "Marshall I need your help over here buddy. I think your love fest can wait until after we make sure our Alpha isn't dead."

Marshall growls something unintelligible but soon he is standing beside us shirtless. I look from him toward Bunny whose body is now covered in his oversized shirt. I shake my head at the possessiveness of wolves as Marshall pushes his way in front of Leo and grabs onto Silver, heaving him up against his chest. He looks to Leo, "Well does he look alive?" He grunts as he shifts his hold on Silver so his arms are hooked around his upper chest. Leo curses under his breath, "He's alive just unconscious and probably a good thing to from the looks of him. Come on let's get him up to Lib. She's going to be a right terror about this—"

Leo bends down and grabs a hold of Silver's legs. The two of them awkwardly make there way back into the house with Bunny leading the way and me trailing behind them in my wolf form.

The boys crashed through the infirmary door huffing and puffing under the strain of Silvers dead weight. Libra spun around with a deep frown ready to throw out insults until her eyes landed on Silver. They widened and then she was moving in quick strides towards a desk on the far side of the room. In one gallant sweep of her arm all the contents are throw to the floor, "Set him down over here!" She commands and the guys shuffle towards the desk setting him down as softly as they can. I move into the room following Bunny who is back to her less imposing self.

"Get me a pair of scissors!" Libra demands, "Hurry!" She snaps when no one moves. Leo quickly scurries away from her rustling through her equipment until he grabs a pair of scissors moving back to Libra. She takes them from him and begins to cut away Silvers clothes turning them into shredded rags. I let my eyes move to the bed and find Valerie laying on it looking pale. Her breathing is labored and her brow is creased like she is in pain even though she is clearly out of it. I turn my attention back to my mate and I can see that he is getting the help he needs which helps the tension in my body ease up. I shift back into my human and sag forward, hitting the ground with my knees.

Bunny is squatting in front of me, "Grace? Are you okay?"

I peer up at her my vision going hazy making the room look like its painted in water colors, "I'm fine..." My words sound slow and muted. I fall forward, my body landing on the hard floor with a light thud. I knew that all that shifting back and forth between my two forms would take it out of me. When I was a captive the rogues had forced me to shift back and forth by electrocuting me cattle prods--pain is a good trigger. For the first time, I'm glad for what I suffered--it made me stronger, it made me useful.  I hear Libra let out a slew of curses as heavy footsteps move towards me. I close my eyes, "I'm fine—just tired—worry about Silver..." I mumble as I drift away into the realm of the unconscious. 

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