Chapter Thirty-Two: There's Always a Silver Lining

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Libra P.O.V

 My hands roamed over Marshall's touching the area that was sporting a large bruise. He hissed as my fingers pressed his ribs. I peeked up at him to see that his face was scrunched up in a look to intense pain. I pulled my hands back, "They're definitely broken—"

"Tell me something I don't know Lib." Marshall replied with a short breath.

"You're lucky that you didn't puncture your lung..." I say dryly as I lift a brow not appreciating his attitude. He scowled back at me before he cracked a small smirk and I feel my own lips turn upward. I heard movement behind us and I turned to see Bunny entering the room with a tense face with Koda following quickly behind her. He was wearing an exasperated expression on his handsome face, "I'm sorry. I know you wanted a chance to look over your friend but his mate wouldn't stay put..."

I sighed and ran my hand through my messy hair, "Don't worry about it. I'm done anyway—"

"And?" Bunny prompts me with a strained voice. I glance back at Marshall to see him pulling his shirt back down to hide the damage he sustained, "My prognoses is that he'll live to see another day." Bunny releases and audible sigh of relief, "But he should probably rest up and try to keep movement to a minimum until it's healed a bit more. A day or two tops and he'll pretty much be good as new."

"Thanks Libra!" Bunny smiles at me before pulling me into a hug. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her slight frame, "You don't have to thank me—I didn't do too much." A strange smell was mingled in with Bunny. I took in a deep breath trying to figure out whether it was coming from her or if it was someone she had been around. My eyes popped open with surprise and I pulled back to look Bunny in the face. She gave me a look of confusion, "What?"

Marshall hobbled over to us, "Why are you looking at her like that?" He questioned.

I ignore him, "How are you feeling Bunny?"

"I mean much better now that I know Marshall is going to be fine."

"No, I mean like physically how have you been feeling?" She gave me a questioning look before taking a quick peek over at Marshall and then returning her attention to me, "Tired, I guess but I mean I don't think it anything to worry about."

Marshall came in closer to us, "Why do you think is something wrong with her?" I could hear the worry in his voice. I shake my head in hopes of calming his paranoia.

"No. it's nothing like that." I say to him before looking over Bunny quickly, "I think that—Bunny I think that you might be pregnant." I say in a soft tone not sure if its information she would want loads people knowing about. Marshall stiffened up beside us and Bunny's eyes widened with surprise before a big smile spread over her face. She turned her gaze towards Marshall, "Did you hear what she said?"

Marshall looked like he was frozen in time as he processed the news. Bunny peeked over at me, "Are you sure he's okay?"

"Oh he's fine—I just think he's in shock." I try to hold back my laughter.

Marshall cleared his throat, "Are you saying that I'm going to be a dad?" I pulled a step back from them as Bunny put her hand on her stomach almost in awe.

"It sure smells like it to me. It's still a little early to know for sure but I'd say with ninety percent certainty that you two are going to have a pup." I wish I would have noticed before because all of the action did make me a bit concerned but until it grew a little more there was nothing more that could be done. Bunny looked toward Marshall with a vulnerable gaze still holding her stomach, "You're not upset are you? I know you wanted to wait to start a family..."

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