Chapter Thirty-Nine: Epilogue

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A Few Weeks Later...

I walked into the medical bay to find Leo trying to get away from a scowling Lennicks, "Unhand me you brute! I'm not an invalid." He growled in frustration. Bunny and Marshall stood to the side watching the two with amusement. I moved toward them shaking my head. Leo spotted me first, "Grace! You're the head alpha! Tell Lennicks that taking arrow to the chest has not impeded my ability to walk around."

"You almost died! I am not letting you do anything until your better. With your luck you'd trip and break your own neck..." Lennicks mused as he shifted Leo around in his arms. Leo glared up at him with his lips pulled into an angry pout but this seemed to have no effect on Lennicks. I laughed at the two of them, "Sorry I'm off the clock right now—plus Lennicks is Silvers right hand man so, we have about the same amount of power around here." 

Lennicks chuckled at my response which earned him a hard swat to the back of his head from Leo. I shook my head as I turned away from the two of them to Bunny and Marshall, "Where's Libra?"

"Koda came by a few minutes ago and told her she had to take a break or he would carrying her out of her over his shoulder kicking and screaming." Bunny replied with a bright smile, her hand resting on the tiny swell that had started to appear in her stomach. I nodded my head, "Good, she has been working too hard recently—"

"I agree. I offered to be an assistant but Marshall won't let me do anything that might cause me any strain. God I though he was protective before—" She rolled her eyes, "Wait until you and Silver have a pup. He'll probably lock you away in your bedroom..."

I laughed nervously at her comment, "Speaking of Silver I better go make sure he's still alive. He's been locking in his office since the sun rose." I took one last look at the group and smiled, feeling happy that everyone was still together after everything we'd been through. Valerie definitely must have been watching over us and I'm sure she would continue to do so.

I left the medical bay and made my way through the halls of the large home that we had taken from the silvers father. I  hummed to myself as I approached Silver's office. I knocked on the closed door once before opening the door. Silver was hunched over a large stack of papers on his desk looking more than a little worn down. He didn't even look up as I crossed the room clearly whatever he was looking over had him completely engrossed. I came to stand behind him, place my hands on his shoulders and gently kneading, "You look like you're working hard..."

He lets out a soft groan as I hit a tight spot in his muscles, "There are a lot of requests being made and I want to make sure I've given them all consideration before I turn them over to the council for deliberation." He relaxed his shoulders under my touch. I leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on the nape of his neck, "You're such a wonderful king—but even wonderful kings need to take breaks every once in a while." l let go of him and spun his chair around so that he was facing me.

I didn't give him a moment to protest before I crawled into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He lifted his brow in a questioning manner before a sexy smirk played on his lips, "What a thoughtful mate I have—I suppose a small break wouldn't do me any harm." His hands gripped my hips and pulled me against his growing arousal. My fingers played with the hair at the back of his head. I leaned forward and pressed a sensual kiss to his lips, taking my time and enjoying the taste of him.

Silver seemed to have other plans though because he took control of the kiss, thrusting his tongue into my mouth as he pushed himself up against my sweet spot. I let out a whimper of need and pulled at his hair as he deepened our kiss. We broke a part after a moment both of us gasping for air. I dove back in laying kisses along his jaw and neck, "There's something I need to tell you—" I spoke between kisses.

His fingers were working at the button of my blouse, exposing my heated skin to him. His hand came to rest against my bare stomach, gently stroking upwards until it rested firmly under my breast. I trembled against him as his thumb brushed over the material of my bra causing my nipples to harden, "God, you're so beautiful—" He whispered to me in a loving tone that had my heart swelling with satisfaction. I pulled back so that I could look into the eyes of the man who had given me hope when I thought there was none.

"Our people are lucky to have such a wonderful man as their king. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful man as my mate—" I cupped his face in my hands, "And our child will be so lucky to have such a wonderful man as a father."

Silver's body froze against mine and his eyes widened, "Are you telling me—are you pregnant?" His croaked out. I smiled at him trying to hold back laughter, "Libra sniffed it out when I went to visit her and Koda the other day—I was just as surprised as you believe me."

Silver swallowed hard before his eyes roamed down my body to my stomach in a look of wonder. His hand drifted back down to my stomach, "I'm going to be a father—" He mumbled. I placed a hand over his, "I guess that pre-war mating turned into a pre-war breeding." I watched as pride and reverence flashed through his eyes. I noticed as they grew a bit watery and a soft smile turned up the corner of his lips, "I'm going to be a father—" He says again with more excitement before meeting my gaze.

I feel the rush of his emotions through our bond, the strongest being happiness. I leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips, "Correction, you are going to be a great father."

"I love you Grace." He kissed me deeply, letting his hands roam over my exposed body.  

I smiled against his lips and let the warmth of our bond rush through me. I love you too, I thought as his touch carried me away to another place. 


Song: Halo--Beyonce 

A/N: Well that's it guys. I hope you are happy with the ending of this book. I tried to do what I could without leaving unanswered questions. If you do have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll try to answer them in a Q and A  that all post as in a couple of days as a bonus chapter. 

Other then that, thanks for reading! I seriously appreciate all the comments and votes/ And even you silent readers. Its been an awesome journey with these characters. 

If you want more go ahead and add Predator & Prey to your libraries. It's the last book in this trilogy. 

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