Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Land of Blood and Bone (Part Two)

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Silver P.O.V

I felt the moment that Grace left my side and I tossed my head to see as she rocketed off towards the back of the pack. I was confused about why until I saw the enemy racing for the scouts at the back. I barked at Marshall to catch his attention. He looked to me and I tossed my head in Grace's direction. He turned to see then without more prompting took off after Grace who was now fighting with another wolf.

I felt torn between going after my mate and fighting with the others against my father. I didn't get a chance to decide because a large body collided into me, tossing me to the ground. My body tumbled a couple times before coming to a halt. I shook my head as I tried to recover my awareness as I pushed up off the ground. I could hear the sounds of wolves fighting around me and I rose to see that the battle was raging all around. 

A wolf charged at me from the masses and I jump backwards to avoid its attack before rushing forward with my own attack. My teeth skimmed its shoulder as it twisted to the side to escape being caught. A rush of pain ripped threw me and I threw my head back in a howl of surprise. I turned with wild eyes to see my brother Constantine at my back. I snarled at him but my attention was called away when the wolf who had been attacking me perviously caught my flank with his claws. I twisted quickly snapping my teeth as fury rippled through me. 

Constantine used the distraction to his advantage and bit into my back leg shaking his head back and forth vigorously. I was trying to fight off the other wolf working alongside him. Constantine yanked hard and my legs gave out underneath me. My body slammed down into the ground and I twisted to the side snapping my teeth, trying to get to my brother. He dragged me a couple of feet before I was able to turn my body enough to kick out at him with my free leg.

My claws burrowed into his muzzle as I kicked, slicing him open. He let go me with an angry yelp, tossing me away. I rolled through the dirt as the pain raced up my leg, and I was sure that it must be broken. A familiar growl and heavy presence waved in over me and my body trembled as if I had been thrown back in time. A time to when I was only a pup and my father would punish me for my unruly wolf. My eyes blinked as I stared up into the dark eyes of my father. 

 My father towered over me in his wolf form and I rolled over onto my stomach, trying to protect my soft spots from him as I scurried across the ground. He leapt forward and sunk his teeth into my neck, biting down hard. I let out a howl as I dug my crawls into the ground to slow him down as he began to drag me backwards away from the others. He was going to kill me If I didn't do something soon. My back leg was too messed up to be useful, Constantine had made sure of that.

A howl of anger had me peering to see Lennicks charging through the frenzying crowd of snapping teeth and sharp claws. His legs carrying him swiftly towards us. His eyes were full of hatred as he broke through the crowd and threw his body full force into our father. My father jerked me with him when he was thrown off. I hit the ground on my side, shaking my head I pulled myself up off the ground with my good legs.

I turned to see my father and Lennicks circling each other slowly. My father lunged forward snapping his teeth causing Lennicks to jump backwards out of the way. I'd seen the attack many times as a child when my father had tired to tame my wolf and make him submit. It always led to me being ambushed by one of his captains. I watched as Constantine appeared out of the masses catching Lennicks in the shoulder and yanking him down to the ground. My ears flattened against my head and my heart froze in my chest as our father leapt forward at the opportunity.

His teeth buried themselves into Lennicks while Constantine held him down. The blood splashed across his white fur, turning it to shades of pink. I stood silently watching the scene before me unable to move, the sounds of death were the only things I could hear. Lennicks was going to die because he had tried to save me from our father.

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