Chapter Fourteen

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Harry and the two girls waited anxiously inside the cab as the waited for Paul to show up. Adaley sat between them, entertaining herself with Markim. Soon Paul knocked on the car window and Harry climbed out, giving the bodyguard a hug. He made quick formal introductions, not waiting to spend too much time on the streets. With Adaley on his hip and Katie's hand in his own they walked into the zoo. People noticed them but no one really bothered them. Adaley was enthralled by the animals. When Harry put her down she ran over to the monkey cage, peering excited at the the playful animals. Harry wrapped an arm around Katie's waist and she leaned into him.

"Thank you for this, Harry. Adaley's never been to the zoo." She said softly and Harry shrugged.

"Honestly its no problem. You guys are pretty much giving up parts of your freedom to help me so it's the least I can do. I wanna do everything I can to make this easier in you both." He said in a soft voice and gave her a hug. He knew that this would be all over Twitter in an hour but he couldn't care less right now. He was just happy that the two girls who meant so much to him were having fun. They spent hours in the zoo, Adaley smiling and laughing as the animals came up to the glass and stared at her or played with their toys. Harry walked up to Paul, leaving Katie and Adaley to give their faces painted.

"Thank you so much for being with us here." He said in a low voice and Paul nodded.

"It's my job." Paul said nonchalantly and looked at the two girls. "And I don't want anything happening to any of you. That girl is something special. Both of them are. You can tell they've been through a lot in their life." He said softly and gently squeezed Harry's shoulder. "Just make sure not to hurt them." He whispered and Harry nodded.

"I'd protect them with my life." He said lowly and gave Paul another hug before he joined the girls again. Adaley looked up at the two of them.

"Mr. Harry. Can we go to the gift shop?" She asked shyly, playing with the bear in her hands and Harry nodded. Katie knelt down beside her daughter.

"Now remember. We don't touch everything in the store and nothing over ten dollars." Katie said softly and Adaley nodded.

"I know. I dunno if I want anything. I just wanna look Mommy." She said with a smile and kissed her mother's cheek. She grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him into the store, Katie close on their heels. When they entered Adaley took off and Katie started to follow but stopped when Harry gently grabbed her arm

"Don't worry about how much anything is. Today I'm spoiling both of you. I want to buy you both something you'll love." He said softly, kissing the side of her head and taking off after Adaley. Katie shook her head and drifted around the store. Her eyes landed upon a simple necklace with an amethyst stone on a silver chain. She admired ir, fingers gently reaching out and picking it up. She couldn't help but admire the way it shined in the light.

"That's lovely." Harry whispered from behind her and she jumped, turning to look up at him.

"Yeah. It's Adaley's birth stone." She said softly and showed him the purple stone. He grinned and looked up at her.

"That's my birthstone." He said with a crooked smile and Katie laughed.

"Ada's birthday is the first. When's yours?" She asked as Harry took the necklace from her.

"Mines the first too. I share a birthday with a beautiful little girl." He hummed and walked up to the counter where a stuffed monkey and a stuffed lion cub sat. Katie gave him a funny look.

"Why's there a stuffed monkey and a stuffed cub?" She asked as the woman rang them up. Harry chuckled.

"Talk to your daughter!" He said with a head shake, handing over the money. Katie gave him a funny look before she crouched down.

"Why is Mr. Harry buying you a stuffed monkey and stuffed cub?" She asked with crossed arms and Adaley gave her a grin.

"The monkey is mine but the baby lion is Mr. Harry's. I told him that he had to get it and cuddle it when he missed us." The little girl said like it was the the most obvious thing. Katie raised her eyebrow.

"And why is the baby lion for Mr. Harry?" She asked in a confused tone and Harry put his hand over his mouth trying to keep the laughter in.

"Because Mr. Harry reminds me of Simba from Lion King so he needed to get it!" Adaley said with a giggle and took the monkey from Harry, hugging it tightly to her chest. Katie looked him with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged.

"I just can't say no to a cute face." He said as an excuse causing Katie to roll her eyes. He handed her the necklace and smiled softly.

"Thank you Harry." She whispered and put the necklace on. He kissed her forehead sweetly.

"Don't need to thank me. I thought you'd want it so you could wear something everyday that represented Adaley." He said with a shrug. Adaley smiled up at Harry.

"Mr. Harry, are we still getting ice cream?" She asked softly and Harry lifted her up, making her giggle.

"Of course! I promised it, didn't I?" He asked and Adaley nodded furiously.

"You sure did. I hope they have chocolate and sprinkles. That's my favourite..." Adaley said and trailed off when Harry's phone started ringing. He grunted as he tried to get it out of his ridiculously tight jeans. His face fell when he saw the caller. Katie gave him a sideways glance and he swallowed thickly.

"It's Louis..."

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