Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Adaley's eyes fluttered open the next morning and found herself curled up against Harry's side. She sat up and climbed off the bed, stretching her small arms. She looked behind her to see Harry still sound asleep, chest rising and falling evenly. She climbed out of the bed and weaved her way down the somewhat unfamiliar hallway. She knew she probably should've woken Harry up but right now she wanted to explore. She made her way to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge, getting herself some juice. She walked aimlessly around the apartment and looked at the pretty much barren walls. She slowly made her way out to the balcony and sat on the swing Harry had gotten her. She sighed softly as she looked around at LA. She knew that most people thought of her as a simple little girl but she always knew she was different. From a young age she could comprehend more than the average child. She knew that her situation with Harry and her mother was not a normal one. She knew her family wasn't normal. The reason why she wasn't in school was because she got in trouble too many times for yelling at other students. Her mother decided that it was best if she was homeschooled. The little girl let her mind drift towards Harry. Even though she and her mother had only known him for a short while she thought of Harry as her father.

"Hey princess. Why are you out here?" Harry asked, making the little girl jump. She turned back and shrugged.

"I woke up early." She said softly and he frowned, sitting down in the chair next to her swing.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Harry asked as he looked at the sun coming over the skyline. Adaley shrugged and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"Dunno." She mumbled and Harry nodded, turning to look at her.

"Why don't we get some breakfast?" he suggested and Adaley nodded, slowly following him behind into the kitchen. She climbed into a chair at the table and watched him maneuver around the kitchen.

"Hazzy?" She asked softly and Harry turned to look at her.

"Yeah?" he hummed, whisking the mixture in the bowl in his hands.

"What are we doing today?" Adaley asked, watching him carefully. Harry smiled widely.

"Well your furniture will be here later today and they'll be setting it up after the painters get done with your room." Harry explained and stopped talking, looking hesitant. "And I scheduled for someone to come test you and see where you are in your education." He said softly and Adaley cocked her head to the side.

"You mean I'll be going to school?" she asked nervously and Harry shook his head.

"Not to a normal school unless you want to. I was thinking I could get you a tutor since your uncle told me that your mummy home schooled you." He said as he started to pour the mixture into the heated pan. Adaley nodded slightly and looked down at the table.

"Mommy homeschooled me because I got in trouble too much. I yelled at people because they said bad things about my mommy and Uncle Terr." She said softly, bottom lip quivering. Harry's heart broke when he saw her face. He leaned over and turned on the radio, smiling when he heard Tim McGraw's son 'My Little Girl' drifting out of the speakers. He gestured for Adaley to come over and she did. He lifted the little girl up and sat her on his hip, starting to sway slightly to the music. He said softly to her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt a sense of happiness drift over her as she nuzzled her face into his neck, smiling to herself. She took a deep breath as Harry softly sang to her. He set the table as they danced. When the song ended Adaley pulled back and gently kissed Harry's cheek.

"I love you princess." He murmured and gave her a small smile. Adaley giggled softly.

"I love you too Daddy." Adaley whispered and she knew that he was her favourite person in the world. Harry sat her down in the chair and they ate in silence. When they finished Harry told her to go get dressed for the woman who was going to test her. Adaley ran back to her room, eager to get back into learning. She looked intensely through her clothes before finally settling on a pair of jeans and a pink shirt with a unicorn on it. She pulled in her favourite vans before running into the living room, hearing the doorbell go off. When she skidded to a halt in the entryway she saw a young woman shaking Harry's hand. Adaley studied the girl closely before gasping. "I know you!" she giggled and Harry chuckled.

"Adaley. This is Ms. Mathers. Ms. Mathers, this is Adaley." Harry said with a crooked grin and Adaley smiled widely.

"You're the nice lady that helped Uncle Lou. You kicked the mean lady out at the place where we had breakfast!" Adaley said happily and ran over, hugging the woman's legs tightly.

"Yep. You don't have to call me Ms. Mathers though. Call me Ali." The woman said and Adaley nodded, taking Ali's hand and dragging her into the kitchen. Harry followed behind them.

"Would you like something to drink?" Harry asked and Ali nodded, responding that she wanted tea. Harry poured her some and put a glass of juice in front of Adaley.

"While I like you, Harry, I'm afraid you have to leave. Part of the instructions on this test is that there should be no distractions. It's to be just the student and her instructor." Ali explained and Harry nodded, leaving after he placed a kiss on Adaley's head. Ali turned back to Adaley and smiled. "Let's get started. The sooner we get started the sooner we can figure out what you know and don't know." She said, pulling out booklets. She explained how everything went and Adaley nodded along, holding her hands out for the test. She read over the first page and smiled. Ali nodded at her and Adaley started the test, eyebrows knitting together in concentration. She felt incredible happiness take over her as she worked, loving the feeling of learning. After two hours of testing Ali sent the little girl on her way, explaining that she had to grade it and figure out her score. Adaley nodded and walked out to the living room. She curled up on the couch and sighed softly as she waited for the results. Harry strolled in and sat down next to her.

"How did it go?" He asked and Adaley shrugged.

"I guess it was okay." She mumbled and stared absentmindedly at the blank TV, deep in thought. She knew that the test was just going to judge her abilities but she couldn't help but feel really nervous about the test. She wanted to do well but she was afraid that she messed up big time. Ali softly called Harry into the kitchen and Adaley watched him go, chewing on her nails. After what felt like an eternity Harry walked back in with wide eyes. Adaley gave him a funny look. "Did I do bad?" she asked, bottom lip quivering. Ali moved past Harry and crouched in front of Adaley, gently touching her knee.

"I've never seen anything like it, Ada. Your test scores were shocking. You tested way above your grade level." Ali started and Adaley gave her a weird look.

"What's that mean?" she asked, looking between Harry and Ali. Harry was smiling at her now and Adaley looked back at Ali.

"It means you're incredibly smart, Ada. You're supposed to be in kindergarten but you tested way ahead of that. According to this test your intelligence is superior." Ali said softly and Adaley frowned, looking at Harry.

"What's that mean, Daddy?" She asked, confusion in her voice. Harry smile softly.

"It means you're a genius baby." He said softly and Adaley looked between the two of them.

"So... When do I start learning more?" she asked, making Ali and Harry both laugh softly.

"As soon as possible." Harry said and Adaley nodded, high fiving him.

"I'm ready to get smarter!" She said excitedly and Harry chuckled softly.

"And I'm ready to help you." Ali told the little girl, giving her a warm smile.

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