Chapter Five

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"OH MY GOD. IT'S HARRY STYLES." The voice screeched. Harry froze for an instant and when he tried to run it was too late. They were mobbed. Cameras flashed around them and papers were being shoved in their faces. Screams and questions echoed around them. The next think Katie knew she was on the ground being trampled on. She let out a weak call of Harry's name. He gasped softly and leaned down, lifting her up effortlessly in his arms.

"LET ME THROUGH." He shouted but the fans and paparazzi were too loud to hear him. He pushed through the crowd and rushed her back to his car. He put her gently in the front seat and drove down the road towards his hotel. Katie cradled her wrist to her chest as she looked over at Harry who was seething. With each passing second Harry's grip on the steering wheel tightened and his anger increased. He knew fame came at a price but who the hell thought it was this high? Not only did it take away the man he loved but he couldn't even walk down the fucking street with his friend without someone getting hurt. He hit the steering wheel and let out a beastly growl. Katie's eyes widened and she swallowed thickly. She took Harry's large hand in her only good one.

"Harry listen. I know you're pissed. You have a right to be but you need to calm down. You're scaring me." She said softly and gently kissed the back of Harry's hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze and sighed softly. "I bet it's only a sprain." She murmured. Harry sighed softly and shook his head.

"Stop trying to make me feel better. I never meant for you to get hurt. I promised Terrance that I'd take care of of you and look what happened. The first time I take you out in public you get hurt!" He vented. He was beating himself up inside like he always did when something had happened. They pulled up to the back of the hotel and Harry climbed out, helping Katie out. The trip up to the hotel room was silent. Katie was tucked under Harry's arm and he snapped at anyone who tried to touch her. Even Paul. Paul finally gave up and called the doctor. Harry walked Katie into the hotel room and right past the boys. The boys stared openly at the beautiful girl under Harry's arm. She was a little shorter than him with dirty blonde hair and rosy cheeks.

"Harry. Who's this?" Liam spoke up. The other boys were dead silent. You could cut the tension with a knife. Everyone stared at Harry, awaiting his answer. Harry looked at his bandmates with emotionless eyes.

"Boys. This is Katie." He said in a monotone voice. "She's my girlfriend."

{I am so sorry that its so short. I really wanted to get an update to y'all! Love you guys so much! Thank you for 100+ reads!}

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