
10.7K 176 26

So, I know this book is over and Him has begun, and I never thought that I'd be adding another section to it, but here we are.

This book series has been an amazing experience, and I still can't believe how great you guys have been, I really can't thank you enough for reading and following along, as well as waiting for me to update my stuff. 

I'm planning on spending most of my time on Him now so that I can get updates out to you guys quicker, but that does mean that I'm putting aside Cordy and Wander just for now. That doesn't mean I'm disregarding them, I'll still occasionally update now and then, but for the time being Him and this series is my main priority.

The main reason that I'm updating this is because of you guys. Because of you, this now has over 200k readers, and I still can't quite get that into my head. I mean, 200 thousand people is a massive number. Thank you guys so much, I am so grateful for each and every single one of you and it warms my heart to know that there are people that enjoy what I've written.

I wanted to give you guys something in return, to try and put my thank you into a project, but I don't think I'll ever be able to get across how much this means to me. 

So I made another trailer.

Its linked in this chapter, so you might already have noticed it, but I thought I'd tell you in case you missed it.

If you can't access it, the link will be on my profile and the description of the book, but if you can't access them you can type in 'Her || The Maze Runner || Wattpad' into YouTube or find my YouTube channel 'Welc0meT0MyW0rld'

So, yeah.

Thank you guys so much. I hope that you continue to enjoy the rest of this series, because I have some seriously major plot twists that are coming your way. You might laugh, you might cry, you might throw your phone out of your window or you might be as disappointed as I was when A was revealed in Pretty Little Liars (Seriously though, what did you guys think about that? Ugh it annoyed me), but hopefully you'll stick around until the end.

Lastly, I'm really curious as to what your favourite moment in Her and Him has been so far. I'd love it if you could let me know, and maybe even leave some suggestions for the continuation of the series. I'm all ears! 

I'm going to stop rambling on now before I bore you all to death. I hope you have a great rest of the day/night and I hope to see you through the process of Him || The Scorch Trials.


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