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That was not okay. That woman could do anything she wanted to Mara, torture and kill, but she wasn't going to lay a finger on Newt. If she did Mara was going to make it her mission to make the woman's life hell.

"Mara?" The girl turned to see Adam gradually getting closer to her, covered in sweat and mud. He must have been busy at work all day with the crops. "It's gettin' late. Best to get to bed."

"I would if this shank would move out of my bloody way." Mara replied, gesturing at Gally who raised his hands as if innocent, and stepped out of the way to leave the door frame empty and free to pass through. "Thank you."

Mara stepped through the door, Adam followed behind but Gally stepped in front, stopping him from entering the Homestead.

"Where are you going shuckface?" Gally asked with a snide smile.

"With Mara. Make sure your shuck ass stays down here and leaves her alone." Adam replied, pushing Gally out of the way to get to Mara. She smiled as he reached her, making sure to look back at Gally and laugh before she turned to go upstairs.

"She was talking to me shank." Gally called out as Mara and Adam stepped up the crooked staircase.

"How come I'm always saving you're ass from Gally?" Adam asked with a laugh, turning back to look at Mara as they reached the top of the stairs. Even though he was laughing, there was something in his eyes that made him come across as sad but Mara couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Because he's always got some way he thinks he can wind me up with." Mara said, reaching over to her bedroom door and pushing it open. She wanted to check in on Ben, but she couldn't do that with Adam there.

Mara walked inside leaving Adam to close the door behind him as she walked over to her bed and sat down. Then she pushed herself backwards to look at the ceiling. It was something she did whenever she was in her room; it helped her think then clear her head before she went to sleep at night.

"How've you been anyway?"

Mara sat up to look at Adam who was leaning with one foot on the wall opposite her and his arms folded. She took a few seconds to process the question that had come out of the blue. How had she been? Wasn't that pretty obvious?

"Uh, you mean aside from being the cause of most of the problems here? Aside from everything else? Just bloody dandy." She said, looking away from Adam as she spoke. She was trying to be playful and friendly, but it didn't seem like Adam took it that way at all.

"Shuck Mara, just making conversation. We've hardly spoken at all." He shrugged

"I've been here a few days, how much can I talk to you in that time span?" She didn't understand, did he expect her to stay around him all the time? Sure, she hadn't grown as close to him as Newt and Minho, but they were still friends. She still knew him better than a lot of the Gladers.

"More than you have." He mumbled, rolling his eyes at her as he lowered his foot from the wall.

"Adam, you're one of my friends here so if you're feeling ignor-"

"You know what, I think I left some crops unattended." He interrupted, leaving no time for Mara to say anything as he pried the door open, but what he didn't expect was to see Newt standing in the doorway. He apologised and stepped aside, letting Adam leave before he walked into the room and shut the door quietly behind him.

"What's his problem?"

"Ah, Adam? Poor kid went through the changing last year, gets angry real quickly. It's not his fault." Newt told her; he always had something nice to say about everyone, even Gally, which Mara didn't understand at all. "Speaking of the changing, Ben's better now. Alby and Minho are gonna go look for some grievers in the maze tomorrow, see if they can find out why everyone's been gettin' stung."

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