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Her eyes flickered open from a restless sleep. All night she had laid there, staring at the back of Newt's head in deep thought. Eventually she had fallen asleep, but not for long before the rays of sunlight shone down through the broken glass window and woken her up.

"Mornin'. sleep well?" Newt asked from beside her. She turned to face him, centimeters away from his face.

"If sleeping for about two hours without nightmares or memories, or whatever they are, is sleeping well, then yeah." She smirked.

"So my protection worked?" He smiled. Mara laughed, it was stupid. She knew that Newt was familiar to her from beyond her current memories, but she needed to know how she knew him. It bugged her, knowing he had been in her dreams meant they definitely knew each other beyond the Glade, but how she didn't know. It was the one good aspect of the nightmares, knowing she could find out more about Newt.

Neither of them moved, they just laid there for a while. She wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about her or something else? She couldn't read him, but then again she couldn't read anyone. That was a job for... what are they called? She couldn't remember their names, the people who study people for a living.

"We should probably get up." Newt suggested, interrupting Mara's thoughts. "Don't want to be late for your first day of work, do you?"

"Yes." She said, rolling over onto her back to pout.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He replied, lightly punching Mara on the arm. Fun? What was he on about? She was going to be working with the slicers, the people who kill and cut up animals. How was that going to be fun?

Mara rolled her eyes, but as she did a large crash came from below them. The both of them jumped up and darted to the door, Newt reaching out to pull it open.

"I'm okay!" A voice yelled from below them and Mara snickered. Newt turned to her.

"At least it woke you up. Now go get to bloody work." He laughed, patting Mara on the back as the both of them walked back over to their beds and pulled their shoes off. Mara pried Newt's jumper from her body and handed it back to him.

The door to their room swung open to reveal Minho who was dressed to run.

"Why aren't you out in the maze?" Mara asked, looking over to the boy as she finished tying the lace on her right shoe.

"Because I'm going swimming in our new swimming pool shuckface, it was installed this morning while you were havin' a nice n sweet lay-in with this little ray of sunshine." He nodded towards Mara with a sarcastic tone, but that didn't stop him. He removed his backpack and dropped it on the floor, then grabbed the bottom of his top. He pulled it up to his neck and stuffed it inside his shirt, turning his top into a bikini.

At least he had nice abs.

"This is what I was going to wear into the pool minus the shoes, how does it look?"

"Add a dash of pink, sequins and glitter and you'll be gay mate." Newt chuckled as Minho strutted around the room.

"Careful Newt, before you know it he'll be on you as quick as my old friend Tom." Mara laughed and Minho ran over to Newt, jumping on top of him. They both fell to the floor, Mara nearly collapsed in fits of laughter as Minho gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before Newt could escape.

"You bloody shank!" Newt chuckled as he wiped Minho's saliva off of his cheek. Mara couldn't stop herself from laughing, the moment just kept replaying in her head, each time funnier and better than the last.

As if everyone realised at the same time, the room went silent. Newt and Minho both stopped and looked over to Mara, both wearing the same shocked and confused expression. Mara was sure she reflected the same look on her own face.

"Did you just say..." Newt trailed off, unable to finish his own sentence.

How did she remember? Tom, was it? What if he was the boy in her dreams, what if he was the boy who had been speaking to her.

"Do you remember anything else?" Minho asked, his eyebrows raised. "Maybe where the nearest food store is? How to get out of this shuck maze? Or how to actually build a pool? Because now I really want a pool."

"I better go tell Alby. Minho stay with Mara. Mara, try to remember... anything." Newt said and then left the room, leaving Mara with the boy in a t-shirt revealing his much better than average abs. She was glad the boys around the Glade wore tops, if they didn't... she'd faint of the amount of abs surrounding her.

"You can un-tuck your top now." Mara pointed out, and Minho did before walking over to the door and once again wrapping his backpack around him. "Why did you come up here anyway?"

"Gally's out of the changing. Wanted to see you, shank said he was dreamin' about you. Think you got yourself another admirer. Although I'd stick with Newt if I was you, more attractive than potato face if you ask me." He shrugged, as he stepped out of the door and out of sight, before re-appearing again. "Are you coming?"

Mara nodded and followed Minho out of the room, shutting the door tightly behind her.

"Where was Gally last?" She asked as they made their way down the wonky stairs and through the Homestead. The place was empty, everyone appeared to be doing their jobs.

"Outside. Don't worry, he hasn't been watchin' you sleep or anything. Med-Jacks said he was a good little shank and stayed in his room. Started runnin' amuck once he woke up of course. Looking for you." Minho explained as the light burst through the now open exit from the Homestead.

Surely enough, there was a crowd. Mara had quickly learned that when there was a crowd, something was going to happen. Something dramatic.

"Tell me where!" A loud booming voice yelled over the mumbles of the surroundings along with the stuttering of another boy.

"W-who? I don't know who!" A boy uncertainly shouted back, trying to sound brave.

Mara and Minho raced towards the crowd, pushing past the curious Gladers to get to the center of the group, where the action was taking place. Once they reached the middle they saw Gally holding a small boy, Chuck. It was Chuck.

Gally looked up from the boy and straight at Mara, he looked crazy. His eyes screamed, leaving an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. A sour snide smirk spread across his acne-covered face as he released the small boy who stumbled back into the crowd.


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