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I think Imma double update, sooooooooooooo here you guys go :D

Mara watched the boy she know knew as Minho walk off into the Deadheads. As she did a similar sound of scraping erupted, the walls were closing. It didn't bother her, maybe Adam was right. You do get used to it pretty quickly.

A solid wall hit Mara from behind, forcing her to step out of it's way and face the object. It hadn't hurt, it was the shock that had mostly caught her off guard.

A boy stood in the doorway of the map room, wearing the same clothes Minho had been wearing. He didn't have a rucksack wrapped around him, maybe he had left it in the map room. The boy was tall, very tall. His ginger/blond hair was messy and his clothes were dirt covered.

"Sorry." He apologised, shutting the door behind him as he stepped out of the room. "Have you seen Minho? Big Asian guy. Sassy."

"Uh, yeah. He went into the Deadheads. Who are you?" She asked politely, she didn't fancy having another long convocation without knowing the bloody guy's name. It was awkward, everyone seemed to know her but she didn't know them.

"Ben. Why's Minho in the Deadheads? There a funeral or something?" Ben asked, eyes wide. Mara guessed the Deadheads were only visited during funerals. It didn't surprise her, who would want to linger in a place where people you knew lay beneath the ground? And now Nick was joining them, he would be unknown to newbies, they wouldn't even know one other thing about him than his name.

"It's Nick." She said for the second time. Why did she keep letting herself think about it? Ben's face softened from confusion to sadness. He looked away, in the direction of the Deadheads, slowly bringing his eyes back to meet Mara's.

"We better get going then." He sighed, before looking back at the entrance to the Deadheads.


"All Gladers go to funerals, it's something that's always been a norm here." He answered her, seeming slightly taken aback by Mara's question.

"I'm gonna have pass, I don't think I'll cope seeing his body again. I need some sleep. Go on." She said, gesturing to the Deadheads. Reluctantly, Ben headed in the direction of the Graveyard, leaving Mara once again alone outside the map room.

She turned in the direction of the Homestead, trudging across the courtyard and through the door of their small humble abode.

Once she reached her room she undid the laces on her trainers and neatly tucked them under her bed. It was a cold night, and just her grey t-shirt wasn't going to keep her warm through the night, so she reached over to Newt's bed and picked up his spare hoodie. It was a light brown colour, and quite baggy on Mara.

Mara pulled back the cotton bed sheets and slid inside, cocooning herself in the thin sheets.


Pictures flickered through her head, one of surgeons looking down at her, another of a long narrow hallway, bending and spiraling into the distance.

"He died for a reason Mara." It was the boy again, he was back. "He had to, we had to make him do it."

"Leave me alone!" She mentally screamed, her voice bouncing around her head as two black figures became visible. One was a girl, the other a boy, but that's all she knew. Although she had a feeling they were the voices she had heard before.

"We're here with you until the end, Mara. We promise." She said, her voice more clear than the last time.

"We're not the enemy."

They were gone, this time Newt was there. He was standing alone in a big white room, staring at a spot across from them.

"Newt?" Mara asked, just to make sure it really was him.

The boy turned and looked at her, a thick smile spreading across his face. "M! How'd your tests go? You didn't let them spot you on the way down here, did you?"

"Turns out it's true. I'm the same as you." She said, but not by choice. The words just flew from her mouth. Where had they come from? And what on earth did she mean, the same? How were they the same? Was she... living forgotten memories?

But she couldn't ask him.

He was gone.

"We still don't know if the test results are correct. It's still a fifty fifty chance. What we do know, however, is that something about you is different Marie. Something we can't quite explain. It's something to do with your brain." A tall man stood above her, dressed in all white and carrying a clipboard as he examined whatever was on it. "You might be able to survive."

What was going on? It was too much confusing information to take in all at once.

"So, you see Mara, you only have to remember one thing." This was the girl again, both her and the boy's figures were standing in front of her yet again.

The boy spoke those three words she recognised, the words she didn't quite know if she believed.

"WICKED is good."



She sat up, her breathing was sharp and uneven as she stared at the wall opposite her. Mara looked to her side to see Newt sitting beside her.

"Hey, you okay? Was it another dream?" He asked, as he covered her with his arms, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Yeah, it was. I... don't understand any of it. Just scrambled pictures and phrases." She admitted, resting her head on Newt's shoulder. She wanted to close her eyes, but she was afraid of the nightmares, or memories coming back. Although she was exhausted, she needed some sleep.

"Least you weren't snogging a bloody traffic light. Were you?" Newt asked, worried if Mara actually had had his strange dream.

"No Newt, I was not. How'd you find out that I knew?" She chuckled.

"Minho told me."

It wasn't much of a surprise, he did seem like the type of guy to gossip. Especially about dreams. As much as she wanted to stay there with Newt, she had to get to sleep. Her eyelids were drooping and soon she wasn't going to be able to keep them open.

"Could you stay with me tonight? I'm exhausted, I need to at least try to get some sleep tonight."

"Sure." He smiled, lying Mara down on her bed. Newt climbed in with her, pulling the sheets over the two of them. Mara turned on her side and wrapped her arm around Newt's chest, resting her head against his.

They stayed like that for a while, Mara trying to sooth her exhaustion by sleeping. It didn't work very well, she was just afraid of getting those visions again.

"Hey Newt?" She asked, hoping he was still awake.

"Yeah?" He replied, his voice was soft as he spoke.

"Do you think we'll find an exit to this place?" Mara wondered, she didn't know the answer, although she wished she did. She wanted to believe there was an exit, that there was a way back out into the real world.

"I don't know. Maybe. Do you?" Newt spoke after a minute or two of silence.

"I don't know either." She admitted. It was the truth, she really truly didn't know if she would ever leave the Glade. She could just be another one of the buried bodies in the Graveyard in the future, unknown to any of the Gladers. "What are you gonna do if we make it out?"

"Find my parents. Try and get my memories back I guess. I... I just want to know that they're okay. I want my parents, my family, to be okay. I don't know what I'll do if they're not..." He trailed off, leaving the room in silence. "What about you?"

"I'd just live a normal, griever and maze free life that I can actually remember." She said and she meant it. Sure, she'd only been in the maze for two days, but so much had happened. Too much.

"You better try and get some bloody sleep." Newt told her, turning onto his back as he did.

"I'll try." She sighed, but it was unlikely she would. "Nighty night. Better tell me all about your inanimate object dreams tomorrow."

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