Twenty Five

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That night the strangest thing happened; Mara got a dreamless sleep. She had gone from the forest and straight to bed, not even bothering to get dinner. All she wanted to do was to get away from the Glade, and seeing Ben had increased the feeling of claustrophobia in the four-walled area.

Mara woke up early the next morning, she was the first one up in the Glade. She got out of bed and pulled on a new pair of shoes, changing into a grey top and brown cargo pants. Mara reached into the box and pulled out a brush and a bobble taking them with her as she made her way out of the Homestead, along with a white towel.

A few minutes later she was on her way to the showers, just like most mornings. She stripped down, making sure to check for Gladers around her before she did, and then jumped into the warm water.

All Mara could think about was being a Runner, she wanted to help find the exit she knew existed. Maybe Alby would let her be one now that he knew somewhere in her brain she knew the exit. If she could just get another look at the maze, surely the path would come back to her sooner or later. 

After she had finished she wrapped the towel around herself, brushing through her soggy in a reflective piece of glass that acted as a mirror. Mara pulled her hair up into a tight ponytail before drying herself off and putting on her clothes and shoes. She hung the towel over a stray piece of wood, then left the room.

Mara had decided that she wanted to work in the kitchen, if she couldn't be a Runner then being able to make sandwiches all day seemed better than the rest of her options. Although it was quite sexist.

By the time Mara had finished in the shower the Runners were standing out by the shut doors, waiting for them to open. She spotted Minho and made her way over to him.

"You're up early. What happened? Wanted to flee the evidence of the dirty with Newty?" Minho chuckled as he jogged up to Mara. They stood a few metres from the rest of the Runners.

"Shut up." Mara punched him on the arm. "Any word on Ben?"

Minho shifted. "They're gonna banish him when we get back. Turns out the shank ain't dead. Left him in the Slammer." He told her. Mara looked back towards the Slammer where Ben was. Banishment, that was one thing Mara had never witnessed in th Glade, although she had nearly experienced it with Nick. Now she was going to see what she would have been forced to do.

Mara said goodbye as the doors began to open and the Runners started their journey. Minho joined them at the back of the line. Once they entered they all turned in different directions, soon all of them out of sight.

The rest of the day was somewhat calm. Mara had told Alby she wanted to work as a cook with Frypan, who she had learned the real name of: Siggy. On any other day she would have joked around with that information, but she wasn't up for it. She wasn't really in the mood. She hadn't been since seeing Ben.

Of course, there couldn't be a normal day in the Glade.Mara was coming back from giving Newt his sandwich early when she had spotted Minho running back into the Glade and collapsing on the floor hours earlier than he should have been. Something was wrong.

"Minho!" Mara called out, breaking into a run across the Glade. Thomas was at his side by the time Mara got there, and Alby was close behind.

"What happened? Why are you back early Minho?" Mara asked as she rushed to his side.

"Calm your wad, Mara." Minho replied, he seemed to be gaining strength every second. "Make yourself useful and get me some water- I dropped my pack out there somewhere." He turned to Alby as he spoke.

Alby kicked Minho hard in the leg, not moving to help him. Mara stood, Minho clearly needed water. "What happened?!"

"I can barely talk shuckface!" Minho yelled, his voice was raw. "Get me some water!"

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